Top 10 Reminders I'm Not Young Anymore

If you are like me, sometimes you feel like you are still that young person, heading off to college with all the energy and promise of youth. Then I look in the mirror and a stranger stares back at me. It is at those moments that I am reminded that my youth is long gone. Here are my top ten reminders that I am not young any longer... even if I still feel young at heart.
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If you are like me, sometimes you feel like you are still that young person, heading off to college with all the energy and promise of youth. Then I look in the mirror and a stranger stares back at me. It is at those moments that I am reminded that my youth is long gone. Here are my top ten reminders that I am not young any longer... even if I still feel young at heart.

1. When I used to look in the mirror in the morning, I looked for new signs of acne; now I look for aging spots and wrinkles.

2. I have clothes in my closet that I actually wear that are older then my children. (The shearling coat that I have on today to ward off the single digit temperatures is from 1986!)

3. I used to keep secret about my partying activities so my parents wouldn't find out what I did when I went out with my friends. Now, I keep these activities secret from my kids!!

4. Years ago, people would say that part of aging was to gain one pound a year. Didn't seem too scary. Fast forward, 32 years after getting married and that one pound a year really makes a huge difference. Arrgghh!

5. When I was a young lady, I had to worry about getting my period unexpectedly, and trying to prepare for that event by carrying products and being aware of the day of the month. Now I worry that if I cough or laugh too hard, I will pee in my pants. Hard to prepare for that.

6. When I was young, I tried all sorts of mixed drinks before settling upon tequila sunrises and Long Island iced teas as my beverage of choice. Now, when I say I am having a mixed drink, it means I am combining two flavors of Zero Vitamin Water.

7. I used to run up and down three levels of steps in my house when I was a teenager so often that I literally wore a thin spot in the rug. This year, my husband and I are selling our house and moving to an apartment in the same town so we can avoid the steps.

8. I used to think a good night's sleep was going to bed before midnight and waking up on my own without an alarm clock. Now, I think a good night's sleep is when I actually do sleep, and don't snore.

9. My most embarrassing moment growing up was worrying what my mother would wear to parent teacher conferences. This week, I went to a business meeting and only when I left the conference room did a secretary point out I had two feet of toilet paper hanging off the waistband of my pants. This morning, I came back from the gym, looked in the bathroom mirror and saw that my nighttime eye mask was on the top of my head!

10. When I was a teen, a good trip to the dentist meant no cavities. Now, if I can get away without needing a crown or a root canal, I feel lucky.

Is there anything you do that screams, "you're old?" Please comment below-misery loves company.

Happy New Year and here is hoping we can all feel young at heart in 2014.

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