A Vacation From Guilt, But At What Cost?

A Vacation From Guilt, But At What Cost?
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Imagine a place with heated pools, a filet for dinner every night, manicures, massage and a Web cam to check in with your loved ones while you are away.

Ready to sign up? Well, it's not for you, it's for your dog!

Yes, that's right. Apparently the new trend in kennels is to make them more like country clubs or resorts, and less like, uh, kennels.

Has the industry shift occurred because your dog demands these luxury services? No. It's your guilt that loves the idea. Leaving the furry loved one behind can be less painful for you for the low, low price of $100 or so a night.

I would have thought this sounded absurd once upon a time, but now that I have a toddler, I can totally relate. When you have to leave behind that dependent, cute little being who gives you unconditional love, you'd do anything to make sure he or she has the best possible time.

Industries have profited from the inextricable link between love and guilt for ages. Hallmark, jewelry stores, Mother's Day, flowers. Why not dog kennels?

But why stop there?

I can envision day care with homemade brownies or cookies instead of apple juice and pretzels, naptime stories read in three languages, infant/toddler massage tables, and pedicures administered while classical music plays.

Then mom shows up, harried from work, ready to bring the kid home for a meal of takeout or frozen lasagna. What's that I see? Instead of running into mom's arms, the kid cries because she doesn't want to leave day spa, er, day care. For that matter, I worry that Fido would have the same reaction. Why would he want to eat kibbles when he has filet every night at doggy resort town? To save yourself some guilt, you've spoiled him.

Industries may profit from our guilt if we let them, but maybe it's better to have the little guys fend for themselves a bit instead so they'll miss us when we are gone and appreciate what we have to offer them -- even if it's not daily deep tissue massage.

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