Jimmy LaSalvia and the Conservative Gay Agenda

According to GOProud's executive director Jimmy LaSalvia, over a million gay people voted Republican in 2008. His group aims to increase that number.
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I co-produced this VBS.tv interview with Jimmy LaSalvia, executive director of a PAC for gay conservatives called GOProud. He recently got media attention for calling out the National Organization for Marriage at CPAC.

LaSalvia says he became a conservative early, when he watched "as Reagan and Thatcher won the Cold War." A picture of Dick Cheney hangs in his office; he favors second amendment rights as a way for gays to protect themselves from hate crimes.

LaSalvia cites a 2008 CNN exit poll which found that six percent of voters self-identified as gay; he also says that over a quarter of gay people who cast a ballot in 2008 voted for John McCain. That's between over one and two conservative gay voters who GOProud aims to mobilize.

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