A Letter to Bernie Supporters From An Angry White Woman Who Loves Hillary

I am one of those angry white women. You don't hear too much about us, mostly because, as you might expect in a country rife with institutionalized misogyny, all the focus is on the angry white men who support that pseudo-candidate with the fake hair and small hands.
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Voters waiting to vote in polling place
Voters waiting to vote in polling place

Dear Well-Meaning Bernie Sanders Supporter:

I am not writing this letter to change your mind. I am writing this letter to help you understand why you won't change mine.

In 1992, I voted in my first presidential election. Much to my Democratic parents' chagrin, I'd grown up loving Ronald Reagan, but in college, I was disillusioned with Operation Desert Storm and unimpressed with George H.W. Bush's lackluster economic policies. Like many people my age, I found myself intrigued by the sax-playing, wise-cracking young governor from Arkansas, with his "outsider" ethos and rags-to-riches American Dream narrative.

The author with college room mates in 1992 (I'm the one in the navy blue suit)

But what impressed me most about Bill Clinton was his wife.

From the start, it was clear that they were partners who considered each other equals. Hillary Clinton was smart, capable, and she didn't stay home and bake cookies all day. She was the kind of woman I wanted to be when I grew up. I remember asking a friend, "Why can't we have her for president?"

And my friend said, "Be patient. We probably will someday."

In 2008, Clinton had proved her worth, working long hours as a senator, with a voting record nearly as progressive as Bernie Sanders's. l

Then another charming young man with a compelling rags to riches story came along, promising hope and change. Hillary Clinton got a consolation prize: Secretary of State. Watching President Obama finally reach his stride in the last days of his presidency, I wonder how things might have been different if their positions were reversed--if she had won the presidency in 2008, made him her Vice President, and he had learned the leadership skills he seems to be finally acquiring.

In 2008, I was willing to concede that hope and change were compelling. But now, in 2016, I can come to only one conclusion about why Hillary Clinton is still struggling to connect with many American voters:

It's because she is a woman.

It's sure not because of gaps in her impressive resume:
•She has the most foreign policy experience of any candidate.
•She is respected by leaders around the globe and is the most admired woman in the world.
•She knows how to listen and to compromise.
•She gets universal healthcare. After all, she's been thinking about it since 1993. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/opinion-blog/articles/2016-02-12/hillary-clinton-gets-it-on-health-care-bernie-sanders-doesnt
•She works harder than anyone else in the room.

I don't think it's because of her policy proposals either. While Senator Sanders has some attractive ideas, there is absolutely no evidence that he has any interest in compromise or consensus building, nor has he given any realistic estimate of how he would pay for his massive social programs. "Tax the rich" really isn't a comprehensive economic policy.

If Hillary Clinton were a man, she would be the most popular candidate in the race. But it's been shown time and time again that the qualities we admire in men--strength, decisiveness, intelligence--are the qualities we detest in women.

Even other women don't like her. Women my mother's age generally give two reasons for their dislike of Hillary: 1) She's a liar; and 2) She stood by her man when he had an affair.

The first criticism is demonstrably untrue, even when it comes to those "damn emails." Though all politicians have truth-bending skills, Hillary Clinton has been the most honest person in this race, even compared to Sanders. When I pointed this fact out to a woman who told me Hillary was a liar, she replied, "Well, I just feel like she is a liar, even if she isn't. You can't trust her."

Why? Because she is a woman.

The second criticism--really??? Really??? I'm not going to touch that one.

Younger women's reasons for supporting Bernie Sanders are even more confusing to me. They seem to think that we're in some kind of post-feminism utopia where a political candidate's gender doesn't matter. These same young women will wear, without a hint of irony, a t-shirt that reads "A Woman's Place is in the House...and the Senate."

(Meanwhile, women are 19% of House of Representatives, 12% of governors, 20% of Senators, 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs--and 0% of U.S. Presidents.)

Then there are women of a certain age--my age--who have grown up with Hillary Clinton, and who have experienced, on much smaller but equally painful scales, the rampant institutionalized misogyny that is currently threatening this country's most qualified presidential candidate.

I am one of those angry white women. You don't hear too much about us, mostly because, as you might expect in a country rife with institutionalized misogyny, all the focus is on the angry white men who support that pseudo-candidate with the fake hair and small hands.

I'm an angry white woman, because, like Hillary, I've been the most qualified person for a job--and lost it to a man. I've found out I'm being paid 25% less than a man for doing the same job. I've joyfully announced a pregnancy at work, only to be told by my boss, "I guess we can't count on you for anything."

Like Hillary, I'm a smart, capable woman, and like Hillary, I've paid dearly, both personally and professionally, for having qualities that are lauded as "leadership traits" in men. When a woman has those same qualities, people use another, less polite word. One that is also applied to female dogs.

You know what's better for women that Bernie Sanders's progressive policies? A woman president.

Hillary Clinton has survived years of vicious gossip and Washington vitriol, all the while working hard to serve Americans. Has she made mistakes? Of course she has. But she has been accountable about them, unlike many men I can think of, her husband included.

Hillary Clinton is a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. She is still the person I want to be when I grow up--but more importantly, I want my children to see that a woman not only can grow up to be president, she can be an awesome president.

Hillary Clinton speaks to my head--and to my heart. Please help her to make history.


An Angry White Woman

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