Sugar Coated Jesus

The foundation of Christianity is being shaken again! This time it was by a huge chocolate statue of Jesus, sculpted as he hung on the cross.
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The foundation of Christianity is being shaken again!

This time it was by a huge chocolate statue of Jesus, sculpted as he hung on the cross. It was supposed to go on display Palm Sunday, in midtown Manhattan, but because the rightwing has yet again shown they have no clue how to make good use of their free time; boycotts and death threats ensued and hence, no chocolate Jesus display.

Needless to say, the Catholic League Of Their Own is leading the charge!

Yes some Catholic League shill, who shockingly has never seen the sculpture, prattled on and on in this interview about how the sculpture persecutes Catholics and that everyone would be outraged if Muhammad was made of chocolate and displayed with his genitals hanging out during Ramadan.
Surprise! The Catholic League misses the point yet again!

First of all missy, Muslims don't believe Muhammad was crucified naked to save their souls and then honored during Ramadan each year by ritualistically shoving pounds of chocolate down their throats.

But Jesus, well that's another story.

Christians celebrate Easter, the holiday commemorating Jesus dying for our sins, by buying, hiding and eating chocolate.
Chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate chicks.
Easter has arguably become even more disgustingly commercial than Christmas.
Easter is chocolate.
Just google "chocolate eggs".
The word Easter comes up for pages on end; the phrase, "Jesus died for your sins" nary a once.
I can't think of a better wake up call to Christians that Easter has been destroyed by commercialism, than to erect a statue of Jesus with all of the pain of the world in his face, made entirely of chocolate.
The irony is the chocolate statue is hidden somewhere and there are no plans for an Easter Hunt for Jesus.

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