Make Love Not War

People all over the world are filled with wisdom and knowledge. We each get to choose whether to use it in love or in war.
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Conflict surrounds us.

It feels like the world is falling into itself. At every turn is another great divide, another war -- of weapons, economics or fighting words.

At the center of all conflict is an avoidance of love, a refusal to accept difference.

How can we advocate for peace in this environment? How can we embrace diversity?

Here's how:

We seek love, not war, and work for harmony in our differences.
We seek love, not war, in policy that honors our differences and the worth of each one of us.
We seek love, not war, in business judgments based on what is good for all, not personal gain.
We seek love, not war, in leadership that is inclusive and just.
We seek love, not war, in teamwork in which we look out for one another and help everyone excel.
We seek love, not war, in learning from one another.

We seek love, not war.

Whatever our role -- business manager, salesperson, educator, athlete -- we are each unique, with unlimited potential when we combine the traits that make us unique. But what contributions are possible when we are at war?

Likewise, each one of us has been dealt our own hand of suffering. Through poor health, loss and pain, it is our search for meaning and purpose that drives us. But what meaning can we seek when we are at war?

In all our actions, serving, thinking, we can make love our living and our calling. Working toward something with passion is the purest form of love. But what becomes of all that passion and potential when we are at war?

People all over the world are filled with wisdom and knowledge. We each get to choose whether to use it in love or in war.

At our strongest and best, we seek love in all aspects of our being. Because the truth is if we had nothing, no other gift, no other strength, no other wisdom, no other qualities, we could succeed on love alone.

Without it we fail. Without we declare war. Without it you have to be wrong for me to be right.

Let's carry a message of peace and harmony in all that we do -- I want us to know a world that is hopeful, peaceful and productive; a world in which we work together to help one another succeed, a world in which we care for the good things around us and stop the impulses of self-destruction.

As Ghandi said in his definition of Namaste: "I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of light, love, truth, peace and wisdom. I honor the place in you where, when you are in that place, and I am in that place, there is only one of us.


We can always choose love over conflict, kindness over struggle, peace over warfare, caring over battle, love over bloodshed, connection over disagreement and engagement over fighting.

Will you join me?

© 2013 Lolly Daskal. All rights reserved.

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