4 Imperfection Rules to Shift from Busyness to Effectiveness

You have to divorce yourself from being a perfectionist. Don't let the perfect time, the perfect situation, and the perfect financial status stop you from starting. I am encouraging you to get unstuck and become an "imperfectionist."
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Finish Line as a business symbol of success in completing a planned strategy to achieve victory and reach the goals of financial freedom and wealth as a track and field background in perspective.
Finish Line as a business symbol of success in completing a planned strategy to achieve victory and reach the goals of financial freedom and wealth as a track and field background in perspective.

I am like a kid in a candy store on Sundays. Why? Because I get a chance to sit in front of the television after I go to my morning service with a cup of tea, a notebook, open ears and mind, and I tune into Super Soul Sundays. I am always ready to feed myself with thought-provoking, eye-opening, and inspiring concepts learned from Oprah Winfrey herself and other top-notch thinkers. It serves as my encouragement and a consistent reminder to work at my craft every single day.

This particular episode the guest speaker was Bishop TD Jakes, the spiritual leader of The Potter's House located in Dallas, Texas. He asked a question that really stuck with me, "Are you really being effective or is your life cluttered with all kinds of stuff that demands you, drains you, and taxes you and stops you from being your highest and best self? Are you substituting busyness and all the chaos that goes along with busyness from being effective?"

We must maximize our lives and it starts with editing your life to do more purpose driven activities and less of the busy bee stuff. You have to stop procrastinating! There is no perfect time to start, but right now! First, you have to divorce yourself from being a perfectionist. Don't let the perfect time, the perfect situation, and the perfect financial status stop you from starting. I am encouraging you to get unstuck and become an "imperfectionist."

Here are a few rules to help you get started:

Imperfection rule #1:
So what! In order to be imperfect you have to have an outcome. What is the outcome you desire to see? Once you have clearly defined the outcome you are expecting, detach from it. Hope for the best, wish for the better. Either way you win.

Imperfection rule #2:
Is it working? Are you aware enough to see whether what you're doing is working or not working? Many people continue to do what's not working trying to be perfect. Perfection can keep you stuck. Doing your best and doing what works will get you to where you need to be.

Imperfection rule #3:
Have a smorgasbord. A great way to move forward with your plans is to have a variety of ways that you can prosper and succeed. Have more than one income stream, have more than just a book, have a workshop to go with it, have more than one way to get things done, make more money, have more time. The more you are flexible the more harvest you will reap. Harvest comes from planting more than one seed.

Imperfection rule #4:
Do something. Nike told you to "just do it", Rocky told you "you are the champion", President Obama told you "Yes we can", God told you "you are more than a conquer" so take action and put what you know into practice.

Being imperfect is fun, there is no failure, no pressure, no stress or anxiety. Imperfection is results driven and productive. Try it on, one size fits all.

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