Boycott? No, Lets Win In Arizona!

Boycott? No, Lets Win In Arizona!
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I've been the Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Party since June 2009. Previously, I worked for Congressman Raúl Grijalva and performed field work for state and local races during the 2000-2008 election cycles. I am a native Arizonan from a first-generation American family from Mexico.

Lately a lot of people have been asking me, has Arizona gone nuts?

The Arizona Republican Party is in a circular firing squad. More than in perhaps any other state, the Republicans here are in a civil war to determine if social conservatives can take control. This internal fight coupled with the new immigration law creates a unique opportunity for Democrats this election. This is a state where the netroots could well spell the difference and in fact, there is a solid chance of knocking off Republican icon John McCain, but we need your help.

Under Arizona's Clean Elections system, the Party is empowered to have a strong voice in campaigns. The Arizona Democratic Party can accept unlimited amounts of personal contributions. We are committed to grassroots democracy and building an army of regular Americans who want to contribute to the effort to stop Jan Brewer and the GOP legislators who are giving our state a bad reputation.

The role of the Democratic Party in Arizona is critical. We manage an intense field operation, massive voter contact programs, and one of the most sophisticated vote-by-mail campaigns in the country to increase Democratic turnout to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. The Party's role is central for statewide Democratic candidates. We launched a new website this week,

Progressives are going to take some lumps this election cycle, but Arizona is a place we can draw a line in the sand and have a resounding victory up and down the ballot. With you we can shape history. Can you help out? Can we get the same impressive effort we've watched happen in the netroots, happening here in Arizona to defeat the crazy Republicans running this state?

We have an opportunity in Arizona but we really need to build up our field team and fund an aggressive media plan. We feel Arizona is a top-tier target in 2010 with a rising stock for 2012.

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