The Biden administration enacted a major increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, though it's received little attention.
The former House speaker uses some of his strongest words yet against his GOP arch-rival.
A judge slammed Corey Harris for operating his car during a remote hearing, but Harris could have had his license reinstated in 2022, if not for a clerical error.
"I did want you to know most Americans don't think she represents Congress," Jared Moskowitz told Fauci during a House subcommittee hearing.
The Super Bowl champ tried to be a good sport as Sudeikis and other comedians made cracks about his girlfriend during a live charity event.
"My intentions when saying it were complimentary just like the entire segment," the ESPN host said. "But, a lot of folks are saying that it certainly wasn’t at all."
The president said he has “boundless love” for Hunter as Jill Biden appeared at the Delaware courtroom.
"It is inconceivable that anyone who reads this email could conclude that I was trying to cover up the possibility of a laboratory leak," Dr. Anthony Fauci said.
“By God’s grace, I will be back at full strength soon,” the Texas Democrat wrote. “Please keep me and my family in your prayers.”
“These people hate our children,” the conspiracy theorist, who falsely claimed the 2012 school shooting that killed 20 children was all a hoax, cried on his InfoWars show.
The New Jersey senator, currently a Democrat, is reportedly sending a friend to deliver his paperwork since he’s tied up at his federal corruption trial.
A new report analyzes survivors' experiences with reproductive coercion, intimate partner violence and the threat of criminalization.

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