5 Steps To Shifting Your Reality

If you are really ready to shift a circumstance, situation or shift your entire life these are a few places to start.
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You have the power to shift your life right now.

Too often we are caught up in the victim mentality of life is happening to us, but in reality life is happening through us and we are co-creators of our life.

Our ego mind will tell us that we don't have what it takes to shift into a new way of living but our infinite spirit which is love tells us that all we have to do is shift our perception and a miracle will occur.

If you are really ready to shift a circumstance, situation or shift your entire life these are a few places to start.

1. Where are you right now?

Before you can create massive shifts in your life, you need to take an honest look at your life right now. How are you showing up in the world? What's going on for you?

Without letting the mind take over, write down the answer to these questions:

The thing that is holding me back from getting what I want is?

What is bothering me the most about this is?

I am judging myself about?

This season in my life has been about?

The lessons I have learnt are?

I am most grateful for?

2. What do you want?

Once you have made peace with where you are right now (which I am guessing is what you don't want more of) it's important to make time to focus on what you do want. Most of us can rattle off what we don't want at the drop of a hat, so you will need to re-wire your brain for success by looking at what you want.

The universe loves specificity so be very clear about what you want your life to look like. Don't just say "more money" because you may get more money but it not be enough to even notice. If you want to find "a husband" be careful in only stating that because you may meet many husbands (married men!)

There is power in the pen, and most successful people write down their dreams as if they have them now so make a list of all that you want for your life but say it in a way that implies you have it now. E.g "I am grateful for the extra 10K a month I am making now doing work I adore". "I love how easy it was for me to sign 5 new clients each month this year". "I am so grateful that I am losing 2 kilos each week, I feel amazing".

You could also start each sentence with "I am", "I have", "I am experiencing" and keep writing until you get every ounce of your dream out of you. Some days your journal may look far fetched, other days it may be a reflection of what you want to experience in your current reality tomorrow, but committing to this practice each and every day is where you will begin to see shifts on your own.

3. Make the decision
Now that you know what you want you need to decide that this is yours. You can not move from where you are now to where you want to go without making the decision to do so.

Your life right now and in the future is a direct reflection of the decisions you have made.

You may be sent many lifelines but you need to decide and choose to reach for them.

Decide that you are done with what you have been putting up with in your life, you are done with mediocre and you are done with your story.

Today I am done with....... And I commit to......

4. Drop the identity so you can create any identity you choose!

It's not what you are doing but who you being that matters.

People think identity is permanent because what they understand as identity is actually conditioning and environment. They convince themselves that hey can't change, that all those little things that make up them are here to stay but most of it comes from belief and conditioning.

Identity is like a vapour that can change with the wind because the truth is, ego based identity is not real and true identity which is your soul's essence is one with source so its energy is expansive and like vapour.

So with this insight you have the power to change even your DNA cells.

You have the power to change the reality around you by who you are BEING within that reality.

It doesn't matter if you are going into a job which you hate today, or if your relationship isn't great with your partner. What matters is that you stay connected to the belief that you are an incredible powerful, intelligent, magnetic, superhuman!

Write down exactly who you want to be. Be specific and clear with the details and feel every ounce of the identity of this vibration in your being. Even if your reality may show you something different (such as you have to go to a job that you hate) it's not relevant. Know the old reality is a manifestation of old thought forms which are being dissolved now so new life is being birthed.

You can be this identity that you created NOW because you have the power to chose this.

At the core it is you without the BS.

So get to it, who are you without the BS excuses?

What would you have to believe about yourself if you had your vision now?

5. Be that NOW.
The secret to change and manifesting what you want is to become it. Don't put it into the future as something you are working towards but act as if now.

As we did in the identity exercise begin to take actions and inspiration from this place.

It's great to have awareness about your blocks but you now have to take action from the new belief system.

If you want to be wealthy don't debate over a $2 price difference on toothpaste if you really want a particular brand. If you have spent time meditating on the wealthy version of you, would that person worry about saving $2 on a lesser brand toothpaste? It doesn't mean you need to go crazy in Chanel, but look at the every day areas of your life where you are out of alignment with your ultimate vision and be that now.

If you want to lose weight, how would the version of you that is in the ideal body go about her day?

What actions would she be taking, how would she be spending her time?

If you want to level up your career what type of people would that version of you spend time with, what would you be reading, where would you go?

What risks would you be taking, how would you be handling your money?

Take a look at your vision and see where you can level up your life NOW not in the future, be that now.
Try to pull yourself up on the times you aren't in alignment with the way the ultimate version of you acts, thinks, feels, behaves.

The power lies within you to make changes to your life. Hold on to the belief that you really can have what you want if you are committed to doing the inner work to bring your dreams into fruition.

If you would like to read more about shifting your life. You can download a free ebook Shift This! 13 steps to getting what you want HERE.

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