How to Stop Your Business From Stressing You to Death So You Can Boost Your Success

How to Stop Your Business From Stressing You to Death So You Can Boost Your Success
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"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Don't you hate that quote?

There's so much truth in it. But some days you're convinced you'll be roadkill long before you muster up the strength to pick up the phone and order takeout.

Especially when you run your own business. 'Cause you carry the whole freakin' load. One big misstep, one dumb-enough decision, and you could lose everything.

And it's not like the butler brings you a delicate decision on a silver tray, to be made while you lounge around in your dressing gown sipping tea with your pinkie finger daintily crooked. Nope. Instead, the chances for an epic screw-up come at you thicker than snowflakes in a blizzard named 24/7/365.

Yet you love running your own business. You know it's one of the best choices you ever made since working for someone else is about as appealing as a fart in an elevator.

But you're worried the stress will flatten you faster than you can even say "success", never mind achieve it.

You've Been Lied to About What Causes Stress

All those annoying people and all that shit that gets on your last nerve? They aren't what cause your stress.

That's right.

Instead, your opinions about about people and circumstances make you stressed and not the actual events or people themselves.

For instance, if you believe all vendors are crooks you'll be on guard wondering when the cheatin' sneakin' weasels will rob you. And if you can't find evidence of theft you'll stress out wondering what you missed.

When you jolt awake in a cold sweat at 3am, pop antacids, and feel your heart galloping faster than a racehorse on speed yet you believe you've got to suck it up and pretend you're fine, fear will gnaw at you because you're faking yourself out.

It's not your fault. You've been bombarded by an endless stream of messages that have molded your opinions and amplified your stress into the stratosphere.

So if you don't have to outrun, outwit, or outfox all the things in your life that cause you stress, but you don't have to die to escape them either, then what?

How to Escape Stress (Besides Dying)

Here's the secret:

First, simply acknowledge all the things that you stress out over.

Then ditch your opinions about them like they're an outworn pair of undies.

So an equipment breakdown becomes simply an equipment breakdown rather than cause to freak out that you'll get so far behind in your work your clients will set you on fire. Or a traffic jam is just a traffic jam instead of a reason to lean on the horn, scream at other drivers and flip them the bird.

And your stress will melt like an ice cube on a hot sidewalk.

" opinions are a part of me! So just how the hell do I drop them?"

Practice mindfulness. You'll discover how to observe whatever is happening right in this moment and accept it without judgement. When you do your opinions will drop and your stress will fade.

Then you'll feel more energetic. You'll stop feeling overwhelmed by everything you're responsible for as a business owner.

And when you've freed your mind from stress, you'll make more beneficial decisions because you're not stuck in crazy reactive mode. Instead, you'll be able to replace your stress reaction with a clear three-step process:

1. Assess the situation.
2. Make a plan.
3. Take action.

Just like that.

So what have you got to lose?

Are You Ready to Ditch Stress and Boost Your Business' Success?

Let's face it.

Becoming successful with your own business is challenging enough without letting stress hog-tie you.

You can either keep being so stressed you feel like you've been tasered nearly to death.

Or you can choose a simple, practical method to free yourself from stress' devastation.

Commit to start with ten minutes a day for one week. You'll notice a difference.

Then when that week is up, carry on and give yourself and your business a turbocharge to rocket you past your competitors.

Author Bio

Lynn Hauka teaches meditation to people who want to let go of life's craziness.

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You'll also get practical tips and real-life stories that will inspire and move you. So come join the Quit The Crazy community and discover the many benefits of mediation! Because life's too short to be nuts.


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