Elizabeth Warren, Rob Johnson, Eliot Spitzer, and More: What We Want to Hear Tonight From Obama

I would like to hear the president say, "Never have so many done so much for so few who needed so little. Now is the time for those who benefited from the bailouts to contribute to rebuilding our economy."
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As we look for the President to set the agenda for the year ahead, I asked New Deal 2.0 contributors and friends to tell me the one thing they'd like to hear Obama talk about in his State of the Union address. Here's their wish list:

1. I'm looking forward to hearing the president aggressively making the case for strong financial regulatory reform. The Wall Street CEOs are working hard behind the scenes trying to kill the kinds of basic safety rules that will put an end to our boom and bust economy. The President needs to make it clear to Congress that it's time to choose between the banks and families.

-Elizabeth Warren, chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for TARP

2. I'd like to hear him say that that the stench around the AIG bailout has lingered too long and that he is calling for the books and correspondence to be opened and officials who abused taxpayers to be held accountable.

-Robert Johnson, Senior Fellow and Director of the Financial Reform Initiative at the Roosevelt Institute

3. I would like to hear the president say, "Never have so many done so much for so few who needed so little. Now is the time for those who benefited from the bailouts to contribute to rebuilding our economy on a foundation that can genuinely compete over the next 50 years."

-Eliot Spitzer, former Governor of New York

4. I want to hear him announce a huge second economic stimulus, because 10 percent unemployment is a human tragedy and a political disaster.

-Tom Ferguson, Roosevelt Institute Fellow and Professor of Political Science, U Mass, Boston

5. I'd like to hear him demand (a) that the House pass the Senate health care bill right away and (b) that both Houses then use reconciliation to fix whatever flaws in the bill can be fixed that way.

-Hendrik Hertzberg, Senior Editor and staff writer, The New Yorker

6. I'd like to know how Obama plans to create new green jobs now -- especially in light of his terribly mistaken spending freeze proposal.

-Joe Conason, National correspondent for The New York Observer

7. Here's what I'd like to hear Obama say: "Two weeks ago I told the American people that the Wall Street bonuses were outrageous. I have now learned that if the big banks used honest accounting they would not have reported huge profits and could not have paid these bonuses. I also learned that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke supported this move to dishonest accounting. I therefore withdraw the proposed renomination of Chairman Bernanke and direct the federal regulatory agencies to require honest accounting forthwith and block any bonuses not shown to be the result of honest, prudent profits."

-Bill Black, Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri

8. "I'd like to hear more about bold financial reform, jobs, and protecting the social safety net -- our nation's biggest stimulus -- and less about deficit reduction at a time of massive unemployment and hardship."

-Maya Rockeymoore, President and CEO of Global Policy Solutions

9. I want to hear the president announce an end to Rubinomics.

-Robert Scheer, Editor in Chief, Truthdig.com

10. I'd like to see President Obama propose work sharing as a way to deal with unemployment. Essentially, this means that instead of paying unemployment benefits to unemployed workers, we pay employers to keep workers on the payroll, but working shorter hours. It provides a great opportunity to introduce family friendly work practices such as paid sick days and paid family leave.

-Dean Baker, Co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research

11. Recently the president acknowledged government is "broken." More recently he decried the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, allowing unlimited corporate campaign spending, as a threat to democracy. I'd like to hear the President talk about what should we do -- concretely, specifically -- to fix that broken government so that it has a chance to work again.

-Michael Waldman, Executive Director of the Brennan Center for Justice

12. I'd like to hear Obama say this in his speech: "I am directing my administration to come up with a plan that will guarantee a decent job at decent pay for any American who wants to work -- regardless of race, regardless of gender, regardless of education or training, and regardless of previous work experience. I want these to be productive jobs-jobs that will enhance the well-being of everyone in our country. It is time that we take seriously the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees the right to a job. This program will be permanent, and it will ensure that from this day forward, the United States economy will operate with true, full employment. We will look to the New Deal job creation programs, but we will go further because we will end forever the horror of involuntary unemployment."

-L. Randall Wray, Professor of Economics University of Missouri

13. I'd like to hear Obama say these words: "Last week's Supreme Court decision opening the floodgates for unlimited political spending by Big Money corporations, applauded by most Republicans, threatens to complete the process of making the federal government a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street. The American people must come together to drive the moneychangers out of what should be the temple of democracy, the United States Capitol."

-Robert S. McElvaine, Chair of History Department at Millsaps College

14. I would like to hear him say something like: "We made mistakes. These mistakes are exactly why the American people think I am more interested in Wall Street than Main Street. We bailed out big business while Americans lost their jobs and homes -- because we believed that was the right thing to do to stop the financial crisis. With the benefit of hindsight, we should have done more for ordinary Americans and less for big business. I intend to change this going forward. Don't take my word for it; judge me on deed alone. At a minimum, you will see criminal prosecutions for past fraud in the financial sector, a major push for a jobs program, real change on consumer protections and substantive financial reform. I will fight for the right policies for all Americans regardless of the political consequences because that is my duty as President."

-Edward Harrison, Credit Writedowns

15. I'd like to hear him say that he will pass the Senate bill now -- salvage something -- and fix it later. Lemonade, yes, but better than zilcho.

-Sean Wilentz, Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor of History at Princeton University

This post originally appeared on New Deal 2.0, the Roosevelt Institute's blog.

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