Obama Skips Iowa Dinner to Fund-Raise in California

Obama's campaign, in making choices where to send the candidate, is showing in scheduling decisions he does not feel strategically bound to stay with the pack. Will he suffer politically?
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WASHINGTON--White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) attends four fund-raisers in northern California on Saturday while his chief Democratic rivals are all in Iowa at a conclave with Dem leaders.

Obama's campaign, in making choices where to send the candidate, is showing in scheduling decisions he does not feel strategically bound to stay with the pack.

Will he suffer politically in the crucial kickoff caucus state? Here's the opening of a story about Obama's absence in the Saturday Des Moines Register:

"Barack Obama is expected to be the only leading Democratic candidate for president not under an eastern Iowa roof with five of his rivals today. Five other candidates plan to appeal to 1,000 of the leadoff caucus state's most influential Democrats while the Illinois senator is 2,000 miles away.''

All the Democrats will show up Sunday in the first-in-the-nation primary state, New Hampshire, for their second debate, in Manchester sponsored by CNN, WMUR and the Union Leader.

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