Steve Jobs Was Far From Perfect

The popular media sees Steve Jobs as a founding father and revolutionary to how the masses use computers. But Mr. Jobs had his faults, and the problem I am having is that the media is ignoring this.
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As we all know, Steve Jobs died on Wednesday October 5, 2011. As with every celebrity's passing, Mr. Job's death brings along a slew of company tributes and celebrity remembrances. From what I have read and watched, the popular media sees Steve Jobs as a founding father and revolutionary to how the masses use computers. Being only human, Mr. Jobs had his faults, but the problem I am having is that the media is ignoring this fact.

Most may know Mr. Jobs for his breakthrough success with the iPod. His quickly became a unstoppable force in the music industry with the introduction of iTunes and the iTunes store. I can bet that everyone reading this has at least once had an experience with either an iPod, iTunes, or another of Apple's products. Mr. Jobs is heralded as being a captain of industry for these specific reasons.

Mr. Jobs, however, was far from perfect. Most of the iPods today are manufactured by a mammoth Chinese company called Foxconn. You may have never heard of Foxconn but you've used their products. Foxconn produces approximately 50 percent of all consumer electronic products sold in the WORLD. It the largest private employer in China and is known for its poor labor conditions. On July 16, 2009, a Foxconn factory worker, Sun Danyong, committed suicide after supposedly losing a prototype model of the iPhone 4G. Investigations were made and it turns out Sun Danyong was beaten and interrogated by his employers. By May 2010, 12 workers attempted suicide at a Foxconn factory.

Now my goal in this little discussion is not to bash Mr. Jobs but rather to make people realize that while he helped found one of the most widely known and wealthiest corporations known to man, he also had his faults. So please, comment and let me know what your take on Mr. Jobs is.

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