What Every Entrepreneur Feels (At Some Point) but Rarely Ever Says

What Every Entrepreneur Feels (At Some Point) but Rarely Ever Says
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Dear Universe,


I'm so tired of "trying" to figure it all out!
I'm trying this... I'm trying that...
I'm trying to "create clients"
I'm trying to market
I'm trying to do the inner work
I'm trying to align myself in every fucking minute
I'm trying to "tap it out"
I'm trying to love and forgive and believe
I'm trying to figure out my message
I'm trying to figure out my ideal target market
I'm trying to be a better person everyday
I'm trying to support my family
I'm trying to create, create, create
I'm trying to just BE ME
I'm trying to be more and more aware of my thoughts
I'm trying to give and give and give value
I'm trying EVERYTHING and NOTHING all at the same time
I'm trying to hire a VA and hire a coach for myself
I'm trying to take course after course
I'm trying to hustle my ass off
I'm trying to rebrand my website to align with a new message
I'm trying so very hard to retire my husband
I'm trying to build my dream life

Yet here I am... Biz credit card maxed out, exhausted, no clients and asking myself...

Where am I out of alignment?
What "lesson" do I need to learn?
What are all these feelings teaching me?
What do I REALLY want?
Why do I want it?
How do I want to feel?
What am I getting from being a victim?
Why do the "wrong" clients keep showing up--there must be something "wrong" with what I'm doing?

There must be something wrong with what I'm saying, what I'm doing or who I'm being...

So something must be "wrong" with me!

The questions keep coming and I keep TRYING to discover what I need to know and to align with my mission and vision.

I'm not getting what I want because I'm not aligned. I'm "out of the vortex" so to speak...

Right?! Wrong?!

Well, you know what--

I QUIT and those questions SUCK!

I just had that bathroom moment of complete and utter breakdown. The moment when you cry your fucking eyes out, asking the Universe, "What the hell do you want from me?"

Those questions make me feel like I'm NOT in alignment and that I'm out of the vortex. The exact opposite of how I want to feel...

Well, what if those questions are the exact questions keeping me stuck.

You want to know what I'm NOT good at...
I'm not good at being consistent with my content
I'm not good at marketing (Yet)
I'm not good at manifesting all my desires is 5 seconds or less
I'm not good at technology
I'm not good at building a website
I'm not good at the back end to business


You want to know what I am GREAT at....
I'm great at loving people
I'm great at supporting people
I'm great at being accountability for my clients
I'm great at standing up for people
I'm great at believing in people
I'm great at showing up 110% for people
I'm great at saying what everyone else is thinking
I'm a great friend
I'm a kick-ass mom
I'm really easy to talk to
I'm energetic
I'm kind-hearted yet I won't take your shitty stories either
I'm laid back and REAL (I live in yoga pants)
I'm authentic
I'm a patient, kind and understanding person
I'm smart
I'm mentally tough (retired Division I athlete)
I'm passionate
I'm a great teacher
I'm a deep, powerful coach
I'm great at providing a new perspective

So I quit trying! I have no idea what's going to happen. Maybe I do quit my coaching practice and just go back to life as it used to be. Who knows!?!?

So Universe, I SURRENDER!

Maybe this post will break me, I'll close the doors to my virtual "shopping cart," and ego will win, who knows!

Or maybe I'll book 10 clients out of NOWHERE...

I feel so vulnerable I may have a serious "vulnerability hangover" tomorrow.
I thought I "surrendered" before, but never like this...

Either way, no matter what happens, I'm happy to get it off my chest and stop "trying" so hard.

From now on... I surrender and allow things to unfold.
I detach from the outcome.

If you feel like quitting too, I hear you and I see you.

I can't tell you to keep going (although I hope you do), I can't promise your future or financial freedom.


I can promise that if you surrender all those thoughts and stories to a 'Higher Being,' you'll feel so much better. Just writing this to you makes me feel so much better.

It feels so good to release the outcome and surrender to what is... I feel vulnerable and yet so FREE.

Thanks for listening and BEing YOU!

If you think another entrepreneur needs to hear this message, please share.

If you'd like to learn more about me (Maggie Rowe, Certified Mindset Coach for Entrepreneurs) and get a FREE 7 Day "Master Your Money Mindset" Experience, please visit http://www.maggiemorleyrowe.com/ for more information.

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