Republican Nutters Reunion

Now, can we please drop these boys' lowjinks and discuss what our President said Wednesday night? Can we push the nutters back under the ground from which they oozed?
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The Republican Party's planned another attack on America last night, appears to be the number one topic this morning. When congressman Puppet shouted out his vile and lying accusation, it was designed to distract Americans from talking about the President's speech. They succeeded.

The planned outburst is what we are talking about, instead of the President's plans to revamp our Country's sorry health situation.

We must ask ourselves why we listen to anyone as undisciplined, arrogant, and hateful as the congressman from South Carolina. The Republicans chose their point man well. Congressman Puppet delivered even better than the civilians whose disruptive outbursts at town hall meetings across the nation made headlines.

What a lousy example of democracy for the rest of the world to see, as panning cameras caught many of these elected Republicans snickering, grimacing, and waving papers in the air. It looked like a reunion for graduates of Nutter High.

Now, can we please drop these boys' lowjinks and discuss what our President said Wednesday night? Can we push the nutters back under the ground from which they oozed?

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