Sarah Palin Stars in Bad Disney Movies

I wish for a new Disney movie called, staring Sarah Palin.
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Within seven days of John McCain's introduction of Sarah Palin at the Republican National Convention, Matt Damon expressed his concern that Sarah Palin was like a really "bad Disney movie".

Matt was really scared because she would have the nuclear codes. More than one year has passed since that fateful moment and we are still watching re-runs of that same bad Disney movie. Have we forgotten all that we know about the character in that movie? Maybe we were willing to overlook the fact that Palin has repeatedly embarrassed herself before the nation. Maybe people missed the Anderson Cooper interview of McCain's campaign director who described Palin as deliberately trying to be untruthful. Perhaps people who like Palin don't read, so they relate to Palin since she doesn't either.

Maybe Palin's stance on abortion confuses followers of Palin regarding that very issue. Most pro-life advocates would be unwilling to identify a leader who had made hundreds of thousands of dollars off of an organization that had a charitable purpose, and they certainly would not advertise as their leader a woman who became pregnant before marriage as Lorenzo Benet reported in his book Trailblazer. Most right-to-life proponents would find it unacceptable that Palin considered her "choice" when pregnant with a special-needs-child as she revealed in her book Going Rogue.

Even though I have watched this movie repeatedly, I have never seen the end. The movie is too scary. I always turn it off as soon as the Secret Service agent carrying the red phone hands it to President Palin as she asks for the deployment of "nucular" weapons. When I wake up in a cold sweat at night I remember what happened in the past, and wonder why Palin didn't know or can't remember:

1. Palin works hard to compare herself to Ronald Reagan. However even Reagan said, "Our dream is to see the day when nuclear weapons will be banished from the face of the Earth". Reagan is not alive today to give us his view of the signing of the arms-reduction treaty signed by President Obama, but George Shultz, Reagan's former Secretary of State is alive, and he explains that "Reagan would approve".

2. Maybe Palin was too young to pay attention to what Ronald Reagan actually said, but surely she remembers the 2008 campaign with John McCain. Palin owes her fame and fortune to John McCain, and has touted him as a war hero, suggesting that McCain was in the best position to ensure the safety of our country. Yet even during the campaign of 2008, John McCain clearly expressed his plan for nuclear reduction:

To be an effective leader in the 21st century, however, it is not enough to be strong. We must be a model for others. That means not only pursuing our own interests but recognizing that we share interests with peoples cross our planet. There is such a thing as good international citizenship, and America must be a good citizen of the world ... Today we also need to apply our spirit of optimism a crisis that has been building for decades but is now coming to a head: the global spread of nuclear weapons ... We do, quite literally, possess the means to destroy all of mankind. We must seek to do all we can to ensure that nuclear weapons will never again be used ... I would ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff to engage in a comprehensive review of all aspects of our nuclear strategy and policy ... But I will seek to reduce the size of our nuclear arsenal to the lowest number possible consistent with our security requirements and global commitments ... If I am President I will seize that opportunity to strengthen and enhance all aspects of the non-proliferation treaty.

Even if Palin was too busy during the campaign to pay attention to a minor detail like nuclear weapons, did she miss McCain's comments in 2009? McCain agreed with President Obama on the need to eliminate nuclear weapons:

This is a distant and difficult goal...and we must proceed toward it prudently and pragmatically, and with a focused concern for our security and the security allies who depend on us. But the Cold War ended almost twenty years ago, and the time has come to take further measures to reduce dramatically the number of nuclear weapons in the world's arsenals. In so doing, the United State can -- and indeed, must -- show the kind of leadership the world expects from us, in the tradition of American presidents who worked to reduced the nuclear threat to mankind.

Maybe Palin didn't hear McCain say this because it was said on the Senate floor, and of course, Palin was either working on Going Rogue or working on an exit strategy from the Governorship of Alaska.

I am tired of the re-runs. I wish for a new Disney movie called Sleeping Beauty-Part II, staring Sarah Palin. The plot is that Sarah Palin can't wake up or talk because she is asleep. In the end we find that she was injured in a tragic hunting accident and rendered permanently speechless.

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