10 Delicious Casserole Recipes

10 Delicious Casserole Recipes
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Most people cringe at the thought of a casserole. The word, deriving from the French for "saucepan," carries a stigma, probably because so many people were introduced to casseroles consisting of fried onions and canned cream of mushroom soup.

Ah, but a casserole can be so much more! Casseroles don't have to be about canned ingredients and vegetables you normally wouldn't even think of eating alone, much less stuck in between layers of sauce and breadcrumbs. They can vary from everyone's favorite all-time casserole, macaroni and cheese, to the ultimate English casserole, Shepherd's Pie.

With the help of Food Republic, I've put together a list of casseroles that can change your association with the word. My prediction? You'll be proud to say you made these casseroles.

Macaroni and Brie with Crab

10 Delicious Casserole Recipes

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