8 Digital Resources To Improve Your Well-Being

8 Digital Resources To Improve Your Well-Being
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After my grandmother (whom I love) had a stroke some years ago, with serious injuries from which she never recovered, I have changed the way I see the world. I chose a lifestyle that allows me to connect all the time with what is really important to me.

Meditating (even if just for 5 minutes), practicing sports (even if just for 10 minutes), watching the sea, playing with my pets that I have rescued from the streets, being vegetarian, recycling, only using organic cosmetics not tested in animals, smiling a lot, trying to stay positive all the time, really caring about others, having fun, always trying to do my very best, innovating, and always, always, keep learning, are what I do on a regular basis.

My company's flexible work arrangements and digital focus enable me to incorporate these wellness practices into my daily routine.

Although it is essential to keep digital disconnect moments in our diary, our smartphones can easily be a one-stop-shop for improving balance, health and wellbeing.

Here are some of my favorite resources toward a holistic wellbeing:

I feel fully aligned with who I am and truly happy with my choices. And the best part is that I have been noticing that my attitude also has a positive impact on others. I try to live by the title of the book authored by Wendy and Dennis Mannering, "Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?"

Volunteering at Elephant Nature Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

At Raw Food Retreat, Aldeia da Cerdeira, Portugal


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