It's Time to Fix the Gender Wage Gap

It's Time to Fix the Gender Wage Gap
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Our goal at Watermark is to help women make their mark in their companies, careers and communities through connection, development and advocacy. Today, I'm encouraging that we join voices in support of Equal Pay Day, which marks the day each year in which women catch up to what men earned last year.

I'll admit, I had never heard of Equal Pay Day until this year, and while clearly not a celebration or remembrance, I think it is a stark reminder that many women still make 77 cents for each dollar earned by men.

We have all been talking about this being an era of greater women's influence, and the ongoing debate over leaning in, leaning back, balance and thriving is reflective of women taking action in shaping the future for generations to follow. But we are only part of the equation in driving change. Change comes from women's action, corporate leadership stepping up to support gender (and every type of diversity) equality, and finally, from government legislation.

Join me today in signing the Paycheck Fairness Act Petition asking the Senate to pass this important legislation. Even if you don't think the gap is that big, or don't support the author of this bill, or her party, we know that together our voices do make a difference. Join me in making our mark, and making a difference for future generations of women.

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