From Corner Office to Home Office: Tips for Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur

From Corner Office to Home Office: Tips for Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur
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Working for oneself is far different from working for an employer in a traditional workspace, at least in many ways it should be. Because of this, it is often beneficial for those considering a transition to do so slowly and with the help of a mentor. Start by slowly taking new clients or producing products to ensure you want your passion to be your profession. Then assess your income and debt and decide if you are willing to give up financial security for the possibility of working for yourself. Once you are sure of your direction and determination, begin to advance your education, design your ideal environment, and create a social network to encourage you on the path to success.


You must give yourself permission to change and grow into the person and business owner you dream of. Boxing oneself in with previous roles or limitations will only create the same sort of frustration that led to a desire to make a new start. Accept that everyone has more to learn and that the only way to create the success you want will be to become a perpetual student. Technology and best practices in your chosen field will change overtime and it will be necessary to devote time and resources in your own education.

Enroll in continuing education classes that will provide the education you need to navigate the world as an entrepreneur; Concordia University for example offers a plethora of MBA Degree benefits for entrepreneurs. This could include marketing, finance courses, computer training, or industry specific skills that are lacking in your repertoire. If you have a graphic design company and a degree in banking, consider going back to school to tap into the newest software and make connections with others in the field.

The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) offers free training in a variety of areas that are instrumental in creating a successful business. Categories include financing, government contracting, managing a business, marketing, and starting a business. These resources are available online and can be utilized at one's own pace.


Many entrepreneurs leave their careers because they have a desire for more freedom in their routine and their own destiny. Many begin by rejecting all that resembles the structure of a more traditional workspace. While this can be beneficial when done with design and purpose, it can be devastating to productivity and creativity if done reflexively.

Creating a type of structure within your physical environment can help create psychological order and facilitate greater returns in all areas. Creating a truly productive home office environment will require attention to detail and organization but it doesn't have to even remotely resemble the methods of previous employers.

Start by assessing personal strengths and weaknesses. Determine what times of day are most productive for you personally as well as which tasks you find the most draining and difficult to accomplish. Create an environment that plays to your strengths and helps to compensate for any weaknesses. For example, if you know you are a morning person that enjoys the bright light of dawn and the quiet before the rest of the world begins their day use that to design your workspace. Choose bright lighting that mimics natural light, invest in soundproofing or white noise alternatives for your workspace, and limit contact with others when you have a task to complete.


As an entrepreneur you need a
. When working for yourself you lose the benefit of having an employer or coworkers to turn to during times of frustration or success. There are several ways to create a network that will offer feedback, encouragement, and necessary reality checks. Entrepreneurial
, mentors, and industry associations, and niche networks. It is important to find your tribe in order to promote personal and professional success.

Transitioning from a traditional career to a personal space as an entrepreneur is both challenging and exhilarating. By taking the time to invest in continuing education, developing a structured environment, and creating a community that offers needed encouragement it is possible to leave behind the familiar and create the life you desire.

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