<i>Big Love</i> Wife Watch!: Round Three (Spoilers)

Can I just say that I love Rhonda's fashion sense? She's traded compound clothes for decently normal streetwear, but she still rocks the polygamy hair, complete with mountainous bangs.
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Considering how much I liked this week's episode of Big Love, choosing a winner for Wife Watch! is going to be tough.

But I'm not afraid of a challenge, y'all.

It's easiest to start with the non-winners. After getting sandbagged by the revelation about her first husband, Nicki got knocked out of the running. Kathy gained some serious power by exposing Nicki's past and staying firm in her decision to testify against Roman, but she's too much of a supporting player to be a contender.

Last week's winner, the ever-mighty Lois, ran a good game this week, what with digging her husband's grave in front of him and all. But she was blown back by the phone call from Bill that forced her to remember her daughter's suicide.

As I've been predicting, Rhonda burst on the scene like a crazy-awesome banshee, sneaking into prison (!) to blackmail Roman for her silence at his trial. That was great, but her attempts to keep Franky from taking Sarah to the prom, stomping and screaming by their limo, keeps her off the top of the heap. But don't count her out, y'all.

(Also, can I just say that I love Rhonda's fashion sense? She's traded compound clothes for decently normal streetwear, but she still rocks the polygamy hair, complete with mountainous bangs. It's a contradiction I can barely comprehend, and I can't get enough. I want to be Rhonda for Halloween. Or Easter, since October's too far away.)

This week, I'd say the First Wife is Barb, who sailed into her sister's hateful anti-gambling meeting and made waves, made up her mind about Ana, and convinced Bill he should agree with her. She's vacillated quite a bit, but now that she wants Ana for a fourth, she seems destined to get her way. For this week, at least.

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