Checkmate "Outliers"

Checkmate "Outliers"
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Byron York considers the racial divide in perceptions of Barack Obama; Weigel, Benen, Serwer, Kos, Sullivan and Yglesias and pile on; York responds.

Jon Cohen shares the full crosstabs on 100-day Obama approval from the lastest Post/ABC poll.

More Reviews of Obama's poll numbers at 100 days from Bill Schneider, Eric Kleefeld, Hotline On Call and Nielsen Online.

The Brookings Institution posts overlay charts of presidential approval dating back to 1953 (via @postpoll)

Judith Apter Klinghoffer says Obama trails Bush at 100 days; Media Matters says she compared apples to oranges.

Nate Silver and Andrew Gelman explore the apparently contradictory polls on torture.

Neil Newhouse sees a gap between perceptions of Obama's personality and policies.

Mark Mellman sees support for EFCA's principles.

Gene Ulm says "no" as a rallying cry "won’t be enough for the GOP."

Tom Jensen finds support for the message Glen Bolger's recommends for Republicans.

Stephen Kinney and Matthew Jason look for perceptions a viable GOP alternative to Obama.

Frank Luntz goes to Hollywood (via Political Wire).

Mark Penn speculates on a 2008 race without John Edwards (via Smith).

James Carville says Mark Penn "suffered fatal confusion" about California's delegate rules.

Kos takes down Dick Morris.

Gary Langer reviews the hacking of Time's 100 Most Influential online ballot.

Jenn Agiesta considers Obama's readiness for a crisis.

The Pew Research Center reports on the CPS turnout estimates.

AAPOR's Survey Practice releases its April Issue; includes advice on how to label response scales.

John Sides passes along a chart showing a correlation between recent weather and attitudes about global warming.

Andrew Sullivan notes a correlation between religiosity and support for torture.

Chris Bowers looks at the potential for a Democratic primary challenge to Arlen Specter.

Steve Benen reviews the latest "nutty" Fox News poll questions.

Google launches a new data search tool (via Jim Gimpel).

Creativity Online reviews two personal data mining websites (via Lundry)

And a bit off-topic, but it explains the headline: FailBlog finds best. negative. response. ever.

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