Data Vizualization "Outliers"

Data Vizualization "Outliers"
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Andrew Kohut notes the parallels between first 100 day reactions to Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan.

Gary Langer rages against online surveys that claim a margin of error.

Carl Bialik critiques the online survey that produced the widely quoted "sexting" statistic.

Lee Sigelman previews Markus Prior's POQ study showing that self-reports "immensely inflate" news viewing.

Mark Mellman takes up the polarizing meme.

Neil Newhouse says Americans are ready to choose computers over televisions.

Glen Bolger looks at the demographics of the generic House vote.

Alex Bratty finds sympathy for tea parties.

Marc Penn claims bloggers make easy money on 100,000 unique visitors a month; Jason Kottke, Scott Rosenberg, Room 8 and Mickey Kaus pile on (update: Trevor Butterworth too).

Chris Cillizza gathers pollster reactions to the rising tide of "right track" results.

John Harwood reports results from a Bendixen survey of Cuban Americans; Kos shares more.

Chris Bowers averages Obama approval results by survey mode and population.

Jay Cost asks whether Jon Stewart influences public opinion.

Nate Silver asks if Republicans are turning into Libertarians.

DemfromCT reviews the AP and Pew surveys.

Marc Ambinder ponders the sources of Obama's popularity.

First Read reacts to the Kos/R2000 Texas secession poll.

Josh Marshall expands on a TPM blogger's review of a poll of Israelis and Palestinians; Jonathan Chait adds more.

TPMCafe's Book Club hosts a discussion of Gelman's Red State, Blue State.

Nathan Yau picks his favorite data visualization projects of 2008, Andrew Gelman slams them, Nathan responds, Andrew apologizes and explains.

Slate posts a stunning animated map showing job gains and losses over the past two years (via Aleks Jakulin).

And speaking of visual displays, do not miss this amazing tone matrix (make sure your sound is on; via Lundry).

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