Missing the Inaugural Crowds "Outliers"

Missing the Inaugural Crowds "Outliers"
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Kathy Frankovic, Gary Langer, Jon Cohen and Gallup's Lymari Morales review public opinion on closing Guantanamo.

Jeff Jones reports the largest Democratic advantage in party identification since 1983.

Jennifer Agiesta reviews Michelle Obama's growing favorability rating.

Nate Silver reviews the role of urban voters in Obama's victory.

PPP sees George Voinovich's retirement as a blessing in disguise for the GOP; also set to release CO poll next week.

Alex Lundry presents results of a survey conducted to guide Republicans back to power.

Mark Mellman sees no end to racism in Obama's election.

David Hill ponders candidate recruitment.

Andrew Gelman, Brenden Nyhan and John Sides follow-up on my post on the data from Catalist, Analysis Institute, et. al.

Gelman, Phillips and Lax summarize public opinion on gay rights.

Marc Ambinder compares poll questions commissioned by both sides of the card check debate (with more here and here).

Chris Cilliizza discovers that Penn wins on a Penn poll (via Orr, Bodenner and reader Z).


Frank Luntz finds support for the stimulus plan (in a survey commissioned by Building America's Future, a group "formed to support infrastructure investment").

And totally off-topic, but this is amazing (via @jdickerson).

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