Party Identification "Outliers"

Party Identification "Outliers"
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Gallup reviews long term trends in their party identification data by gender and age (plus video).

Jim Gimpel ponders the durability of party ID.

Gene Ulm examines the historical relationship between party images and U.S. House outcomes.

Tony Fabrizio says GOP attacks on Obama make the Republicans look "irrelevant."

Charlie Cook says Republicans need to reach out.

Amy Walter reviews Republican rebranding efforts.

Gary Andres goes to the 2008 ANES data to check evidence of a left-ward ideological drift (via Jim Gimpel); Andrew Gelman reacts.

Chris Bowers digs deep into data on the future of the electorate on race and ethnicity, religion, the LGBT population, reapportionment and age and party.

Frank Luntz sends Republicans a memo on health care and delivers the same message to a closed door meeting of Republicans; Jonathan Cohn, Greg Sargent, Sen. Jeff Merkley, George Lakoff (and colleagues), Alex Lundry and many more respond.

Gary Langer says deficits are a potential Obama vulnerability.

Jon Cohen reviews the public polls in Virginia.

Robert Shiller unpacks a key measure of consumer confidence (via Scheiber).

Jim Burton finds Democrats using social networking more than Republicans.

Bill McInturff and Alex Bratty check perceptions of Obama's health care focus by party.

Tom Jensen notes a potential house effect on the Civitas NC poll and criticizes their question wording.

Nate Silver sees little impact of Supreme Court picks on presidential approval.

David Hill considers the utility of newspaper ads for political campaigns.

Mark Mellman asks why intelligent executives act like Mister Magoo.

Wilson Strategies releases their May political assessment; Randumsubu critiques.

Sara Taylor launches a new firm that will mine data to help sell online ads (via Lundry).

John Sides shares a chart on the decline of newspaper coverage of state capitols.

Flowing Data reviews data visualizations of tax freedom day; also links to 37 data and visualization blogs you should know about.

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