Spring Forward "Outliers"

Spring Forward "Outliers"
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Kathy Frankovic considers the Democratic superdelegates in the context of "poll after poll" showing Americans' "desire to have elected officials listen to them."

Frank Newport says "rank and file Democrats" are "on top of what's going on" regarding the controversies over Michigan, Florida and the role of the superdelegates.

Carl Bialik continues to explain the contradictory Democratic delegate tallies with a report on a "little noticed shift" of eight delegates in California to Obama.

Mark Mellman says the "analytic strategy" of projecting "primary performance into the general election" is "fundamentally flawed."

Jay Cost crunches past primary and general election vote data and generally agrees.

Paul Lukasiak mines the SurveyUSA 50-state polls for gender gap data.

The Wisconsin Advertising Project releases data on television ads in Ohio.

Gary Langer looks back and concludes that while Americans "suspected" that Saddam Hussein backed Al Qaeda, they did not affirmatively "believe" it.

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