News the Media Missed This Week!

News the Media Missed This Week!
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The media does a pretty good job covering the major news stories. Sometimes, however, they miss some. My mission? To search for the most interesting stories not covered by traditional news outlets -- and present them to you. Here, then, are this week's news items the media missed -- presented in quick & easy, photo & caption format -- perfect for today's busy professional -- and for you! Enjoy!

At the Vancouver Winter Olympics, Chinese skier Deng Hu Chang was disqualified for competing nude and under the minimum age limit

Paula Abdul says she's happy not to be on "American Idol" this year and to explore new career paths

One of the Vice Presidental candidates Sarah Palin is considering for her 2012 Presidential bid

Indianapolis Colts take a pounding from New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl

Michelle Obama vows not to stop hula-hooping until childhood obesity ends

Toyota unveils new ad campaign

Bill Clinton on road to recovery thanks to "really excellent medical follow-up care from skilled nurses"

Experts affirm global warming causing Niagra Falls to shrink

Man sues furniture store, claiming, "I could only use the sofa once"

Customer sues Burger King for tragic cheeseburger side effect

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