Thinking about a sabbatical in 2017? Time to start planning now!

Thinking about a sabbatical in 2017? Time to start planning now!
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Last year, we published a popular article sharing how to ask for and get a sabbatical in 2016. The more we help people take sabbaticals, the more clear it becomes that beyond our step-by-step guide, there are two things that can really increase your chances of actually taking your sabbatical.

First: Plan in advance

Just like companies set goals for 2017 while they are still in 2016, you should do the same with your personal life. Don't wait until you start crafting your New Year's Resolutions to plan to 2017 - start now!

Second: Have a good justification for taking a sabbatical

If you're like most people, it's easier to justify your sabbatical if you know why you're going to take one. While simply "taking a break" should be reason enough, we see more people actually achieve their goal of taking a sabbatical when they have intention for it.

Structured programs, like the MovingWorlds Institute, are great because they provide clear timelines, accountability, and guidance to help you use your sabbatical in a way that will do more than just rejuvenate you - it will help catalyze your personal and professional life.

MovingWorlds Institute

You can make this happen

For more tips on setting yourself up to take a sabbatical in 2017, just follow these
  1. Write Down Why Your Sabbatical Will Help You
  2. Set a Goal Date for Taking a Sabbatical and Tell Your Friends
  3. Determine What You Will Do on Your Sabbatical
  4. Document How Your Sabbatical Will Help YOU and YOUR COMPANY
  5. Find Someone at Your Company to Support Your Request
  6. Make the Formal Ask
  7. Go On Your Sabbatical

Interested in learning more about how the MovingWorlds Institute can help you take a sabbatical in 2017 and/or transition your career path? Learn more about it here.

no regret quote Mark Twain

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