An American Heartbreak: From Earning $90,000 each year to the Streets

Working in the auto industry and as an electrician, James seemed to be on top of the world. He accepted an early buyout, took the chance to go back to college, and graduated only to find no opportunities.
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From earning $90,000 each year to the streets, James is a story of American heartbreak.

Working in the auto industry and as an electrician, James seemed to be living on top of the world. He accepted an early buyout, took the chance to go back to college, and graduated only to find no opportunities.

Shelters and abandoned buildings became home to James until he connected with a band of local churches that opened their doors to him and provided him with a daily allowance of two bus passes. More recently, James has been provided with clothing, shelter and a checking account from a program.

Fortunately, he finally is beginning to see light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Asked what he would do if were granted three wishes, James humbly and perhaps surprisingly, acknowledges that he has everything he needs.

Imagine how many more stories could end with hope and promise like James' if we each devoted ourselves to truly solving the issue of homelessness.

Special thanks to Solid Ground.

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