Momentum Shift Complete -- McCain Not Leading In Any Daily Tracking Poll

Since most state polls are more than a week old, new polling should show Obama resuming his 50-75 electoral vote lead as the race heads into the crucial presidential debate phase.
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The momentum shift away from John McCain (R) is now complete as none of the four daily tracking polls show him in the lead this morning. The final holdout -- Rasmussen -- now has the race tied, and it's the only daily tracking that shows McCain within 4 points. I suspect the combination of the economic news, the dropping approval ratings for the McCain-Palin ticket, and the fade of the convention bounce has pushed the race back to the Barack Obama (D) column.

Since most state polls are more than a week old, new polling should show Obama resuming his 50-75 electoral vote lead (probably with MI and CO moving back to Lean Obama and IN and NC back to Toss-Up), as the race heads into the crucial presidential debate phase.

Given the fluid nature of the race, I'm sure this isn't the last pendulum shift we'll see, but it always great to watch your team score a touchdown and take the lead, even if you know there's still plenty of game left to play:

Given the fluid nature of the race, I'm sure this isn't the pendulum shift we'll see, but it always great to watch your team score a touchdown and take the lead, even if you know there's still plenty of game left to play:





















Mark Nickolas is the Managing Editor of Political Base, and this story was from his original post, "Momentum Shift Complete -- McCain Not Leading In Any Daily Tracking Poll"

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