Ads The GOP Would Run Against Obama - #1 "Ooops!"

"I pressed the wrong button by accident!""Are your ready to risk your kids' life?"
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Obama was the lone dissenter on Feb. 24, 2000, against 57 'yeas' for a ban on human cloning. "I pressed the wrong button by accident" he said. - 'Obama Said Oops on 6 State Senate Votes' - L.A. Times January 24, 2008


Ominous music...

Video of terrorists, buildings on fire, missiles being launched, mayhem etc etc

Narrator: (deep gravelly baritone)

"In a dangerous world where our Commander-In-Chief has the lives of 300 million Americans in the palm of his hand - we need a seasoned, tested, sure-footed leader. Someone who has been through the fire and is ready to defend our nation using all the mighty weapons that God Almighty has put at the disposal of the most wonderful country on God's own planet. Including the awesome power of nuclear missiles to defend life, liberty and the American way. Someone who knows that you can't mistakes when you're President..."

Video of black hand wavering over two big buttons

Caption: State Senator Barack Obama February 24, 2000

Voice of Obama (impersonated):

"I pressed the wrong button by accident!"


"Are your ready to risk your kids' life?"

Caption: VOTE RAMBO!2008-01-25-bigbuttonroom.jpg2008-01-25-bigbutton2.jpg

..............ROOM SERVICE................................NUKE 'EM!...............

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