"You Can't Impeach Me, I'm Delusional!"

I saw the accounts of Bush's Iraq speech at the Naval War College, and it suddenly became clear: SCOTUS is handing POTUS a lifeline in case he's impeached.
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I was wondering why swing Justice Anthony Kennedy abandoned the Supreme Court's right wing and blocked the execution of a delusional Texas killer yesterday, but then I saw the accounts of President Bush's Iraq speech at the Naval War College on the same day, and it suddenly became clear: SCOTUS is handing POTUS a lifeline in case he's impeached.

In his speech, Bush referred to Al-Qaida 27 times, saying "it is the main enemy for Shia, Sunni and Kurds alike. Al-Qaida's responsible for the most sensational killings in Iraq." But as Jonathan S. Landay of McClatchy's Washington bureau, committing an act previously known as journalism, pointed out,

"U.S. military and intelligence officials, however, say that Iraqis with ties to al-Qaida are only a small fraction of the threat to American troops. The group known as al-Qaida in Iraq didn't exist before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, didn't pledge its loyalty to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden until October 2004 and isn't controlled by bin Laden or his top aides...Bush's use of al-Qaida in his speech had strong echoes of the strategy the administration had used to whip up public support for the Iraq invasion by accusing the late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein of cooperating with bin Laden and implying that he'd played a role in the Sept. 11 attacks. Administration officials have since acknowledged that Saddam had no ties to bin Laden or 9/11. A similar pattern has developed in Iraq, where the U.S. military has cited al-Qaida 33 times in a barrage of news releases in the past seven days. In his speech, Bush referred only fleetingly to the sectarian violence that pits Sunni Muslim insurgents against Shiite Muslim militias in bloody tit-for-tat attacks, bombings, atrocities and forced mass evictions from contested areas of Baghdad and other cities and towns. U.S. intelligence agencies and military commanders say the Sunni-Shiite conflict is the greatest source of violence and insecurity in Iraq."

In other words, Bush is just as delusional as the Texas murder, Scott Louis Panetti.

Panetti, who served as his own lawyer in court, said "that his body had been taken over by an alter ego he called Sarge Ironhorse and that demons were bent on killing him for his Christian beliefs."

If he's impeached, Bush can just say that his body had been taken over by an alter ego called Sarge Cheney, and that (just as Peretti claimed) "the Devil has been trying to rub him out to keep him from preaching the Gospel." Bill O'Reilly can say that liberal secular humanists want to kill him for listening to Higher Voices. (Oh, wait, I think he's already done that.)

In court, Scott Panetti "tried to strip off his prison uniform to show scars from burns that he said John F. Kennedy healed with coconut milk after the sinking of Kennedy's torpedo boat in the Pacific in World War II."

In his Senate impeachment trial, Bush can strip off his suit to show the Skull and Bones brand on his ass, the one that was healed with Halliburton money, hedge fund managers' bonuses, and the torpedoing of the progressive tax system.

In court, Panetti "appeared with a Tom Mix cowboy hat slung over his back, wearing purple western shirts and cowboy boots." In Congress, Bush can appear in a flightsuit, wearing a camo codpiece and cowboy boots, and brandishing a Crawford chainsaw.

It was a younger Alberto Gonzales, of course, who gave Governor Bush all the rationale he needed in order to order the execution of batshit insane murderers on Texas's death row. Looks like Gonzo will never make it to the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, the Supremes' rationale for staying the killing of one of those very schizophrenics turns out to be the last best hope for Bush to defend himself against killing the Constitution.

I know, I know - impeachment is off the table. But there's always the possibility of a war crimes trial. Isn't that why Kissinger still avoids Paris, Sao Paolo and The Hague?

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