The Poverty of Donald Trump

Donald Trump just entered his seventh bankruptcy. This time, its not a financial one. Donald Trump is morally bankrupt.
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Donald Trump just entered his seventh bankruptcy. This time, its not a financial one. Donald Trump is morally bankrupt.

He has no heart, he has no compassion, he has no wisdom. A man entering his seventh decade who lacks these basic characteristics is poor, indeed.

It's a poverty wrapped in a wad of seven billion one-dollar bills.

Trump's daddy didn't raise no fool, but he didn't raise no gentleman, either. A gentleman would have apologized once the video came out, if not 11 years earlier.

Trump's apology wasn't one. His second apology wasn't one, either. And neither will be the third one or the fourth one or the tenth because we all know he doesn't mean it and won't mean it and can't mean it because he lacks the capacity to apologize, the willingness to do so.

No Nixon-style Checkers speech will salvage this dog of a campaign. Once again we've lost our faith in a man in whom we had no faith.

But is anyone surprised? Do you remember Trump's snake poem?

"You knew darn well I was a snake before you took me in."

The poem wasn't about Syrian refugees entering America. It was about Donald Trump entering the Presidential race.

"You knew darn well I was a snake before you took me in."

It took Trump's appalling crudity for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to distance himself from Trump, but Ryan should never have aligned with him in the first place. Throw Ryan from the train, too, along with every Republican who didn't call Trump out as unqualified in temperament, knowledge or experience. That's been on display for more than a year now.

Let Donald Trump live out his days at Mar-a-Lago, his Xanadu. He can soak in his Olympic-size hot tub with a lithe and ever-willing Melania preening at his side. That is, until he deems her too old, too short, too fat or too un-perky. Hopefully Mrs. Trump's number four and five won't make the same mistake.

Let Trump spend his nights wrestling with thoughts of what could have been, what almost was but will not be. His tweets will find no likes, no shares, no response. Donald Trump is this generation's Citizen Kane.

After a year of Trump's vitriol directed at women, it's fitting that he will now lose the Presidency to the first serious female candidate.

That's the real story here. The death of the male monopoly on the presidency. That legacy is twisting slowly, slowly in the wind, just as the white monopoly ended with Barack Obama.

The November election results will proclaim the King is Dead.

Long Live the Queen.

Other articles by Marty Rudoy

Photo Credits:

Historical videos via youtube.

Citizen Kane (c) 1941 Warner Bros. Screen grabs used under fair use guidelines.

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