Climate Change This Week: Nanoflowers, CC Whacks Thanksgiving and More!

Every day is Earth Day, folks.
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The Weather IS Climate Change, Say Climate Scientists reports Monte Morin at the LA Times. NASA climatologist James Hansen and others note that there's now enough data to indicate that the extreme weather we've seen in the last decade has resulted, in large part, from human driven global warming. Oh goody, let's see what next week's weather brings... but why can't my remote stop it?

Check out this cool 2012 timeline of climate change events, month by month, in case you missed any of it during the year....

Sea Levels Rising Faster, Threatening Islands Within the Decade, says major climatologist Michael Mann, reports Joe Confino at the UK Guardian. The dramatic acceleration of Arctic ice melt, along with the melting of major ice sheets, means sea levels are rising faster than expected, and islanders will be forced to evacuate their homes within a decade, rather than the several decades previously predicted. Don't put off your Pacific island vacation....

Thanksgiving: Pass the Climate Change, Please! Yup, the summer drought has sent feed prices soaring, bankrupting at least one turkey producer, and will probably do in others, resulting in higher consumer prices, reports Stephanie Gleason and Ian Berry at the Wall Street Journal. Many scientists consider the drought another example of climate change in action. Enjoy your cheap turkey while you can, folks...

YOO-HOO, Prezidates! Watcha gonna do about sea level rise? Says Florida to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a recent letter signed by county officials and scientists, reports Katie Valentine at Climate Progress. Yeah, you two, just what DO you plan to do about cl... -- oops, dear me, I almost said those two words!!!!

Forecast the Facts has a petition to demand that the candidates tell us how they will address climate change. Here's a neat graphic they just released...


No, No, Put the Solar Panels Here, Not There! Is pretty much what the Interior Department has done with creating solar zones for appropriate development in the southwest, reports Jessica Goad at Climate Progress. Projects within zones will get permits faster. Let the sun shine, let the sun shine, the suuuuuuun shine in......

Ooooh, check out the Beautiful Nanoflower! .... a teeny tiny germanium sulfide crystal... a potential improvement in storing energy ... a rose by any other name....

Do you know of a good video or graphic connected with climate change? Do you have a cool "Every day is Earth Day" nature picture of yours you'd like to share with us? Put a weblink to it in the comments section below, and we'll see if we can post it.

Every day is Earth Day, folks, as I was reminded by this mouse burying carrion beetle, one past summer day (see the tiny mite, one of many that travel on it, by its eye?). Making the U.S. a global clean energy leader will ensure a heck of a lot more jobs, and a clean, safe future, despite what Mitt Romney thinks. If you'd like to tell Congress you'll VOTE for clean energy you can join the increasing numbers of people doing so here. For more detailed summaries of the above and other climate change items, audio podcasts and texts are freely available.


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