Climate Change This Week: Apocalyptic Tipping Points, Cooperative Windmills, and More

In the quintessential land of windmills, modern ones are proving a valuable cash crop to landowner cooperatives, and the resulting energy is powering thousands of homes in the Netherlands
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Tipping Towards Apocalypse: strengthening or shutdown of the Indian Monsoons, the complete disappearance of Arctic sea ice (likely soon), the Greenland ice sheet, the Amazon rainforest or Canada's boreal forest -- any of these possible climate change outcomes could create sudden unpredictable climate shifts, even more so if they reinforce each other, an Earth systems scientist notes in Scientific American.

All Together Now, Everbody Now... In the quintessential land of windmills, modern ones are proving a valuable cash crop to landowner cooperatives, and the resulting energy is powering thousands of homes in the Netherlands, reports Robert van Waarden at Climate Central.

150,000 Deaths by Heat: A new peer-reviewed report by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows how the heat of increasing climate change could kill up to 150,000 poor and vulnerable U.S. citizens by 2100, if no steps are taken to curb carbon emissions, reports Deborah Zabarenko at Reuters in the Chicago Tribune. Hint: you don't want to be living in Louisville, Detroit or Cleveland.

End Polluter Welfare: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced to Congress the End Polluter Welfare bill, designed to halt the daily outflow of $30 million U.S. tax dollars to subsidize fossil fuel industries, reports Gina-Marie Cheeseman at the Triple Pundit (people, planet, profit -- in case you're wondering). Want to lend your voice to the bill? Go here.

Hello, You Sweet Solar Tiger, You: EPIA, the European Photovoltaic Industry Association forecasts that Asia (read China and India) will become the major global solar power, zooming past Europe as global solar photovoltaic capacity triples or more over the next five years, reports Svetlana Kovalyova at Reuters News.

Every day is Earth Day, folks, as I was reminded when I photographed this garden flower recently. Making the U.S. a global clean energy leader will ensure a clean, safe future. If you'd like to tell Congress that you support clean energy and will vote for clean energy candidates, join the increasing numbers of people doing so here. For more detailed summaries of the above and other climate change items, audio podcasts and texts are freely available.


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