Climate Change This Week: BBQed Beef, Carbon Storage Quakes, and More

The grazing lands of scores of U.S. ranchers have been charred by blazes or ravaged by drought amid a regional shortfall of the alfalfa hay that could stave off starvation, reports Laura Zuckerman at. The choice? Feed or sell.
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The "I'm Shocked, Shocked!" Department: Two recent scientific reports confirm that man-made global warming is exerting an ever-increasing influence on climate change, from air temperature to ocean acidity, reports Andrew Freedman at Climate Central, making more extreme weather... wait for it... ever more likely to occur. Waiter, another one of those heatwaves, please, only make it hotter this time...

U.S. Failing Energy Efficiency 101: The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's first-ever global survey showed the United States ranked ninth among 12 of the world's largest economies in energy efficiency, reports Maria Gallucci at Inside Climate News. Bad news, since higher energy efficiency means fewer resources used, reduced costs, and ultimately more jobs. Gotta do better, folks.

Shake, Rattle and Roll With Carbon Storage: The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that the amount of carbon dioxide needed to be stored daily to slow global warming would be so much, that it would probably cause moderate earthquakes and release much of it back into the atmosphere, reports James Bruggers at the Courier-Journal.

Beefed-Up Climate Change Threatens U.S. Cattle: The grazing lands of scores of U.S. ranchers have been charred by blazes or ravaged by drought amid a regional shortfall of the alfalfa hay that could stave off starvation, reports Laura Zuckerman at Reuters News. The choice? Feed or sell. Enjoy your steak while you can, folks...

U.S. Would Prosper From a Resource Diet, Says Bill: Bill Clinton said the U.S. economy would recover faster from the recession and financial crises if more effort was made to use resources sustainably, reports Fiona Harvey at the Guardian. "We can grow even faster if we use less energy," said Clinton. "We have studies that show this." It's the waste, stupid.

Save Baby Arctic Chicks! Climate change has melted the ice pack food source of Arctic ice birds from seven miles to 250 miles away from them and is even starting to melt the frozen core of their nesting habitat, Cooper Island, making it a prime target for hungry polar bears. These Arctic "penguins" and puffins need more bear-proof nesting boxes from humans to keep their chicks safe. Time is running out. The bears are coming in August. You can get more information here, and find out more about how dramatically climate change is changing their lives.

Every day is Earth Day, folks, as I was reminded when I photographed this paint brush flower not far from our research cabin. Making the U.S. a global clean energy leader will ensure a heck of a lot more jobs, and a clean, safe future. If you'd like to tell Congress that you're voting for candidates that will support clean energy, join the increasing numbers of people doing so here. For more detailed summaries of the above and other climate change items, audio podcasts and texts are freely available.


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