Climate Change This Week: Earth Shoots UP on GHG, Biggest Security Threat, and More!

Climate Change This Week: Earth Shoots UP on GHG, Biggest Security Threat, and More!
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Global Warming Gases Spike in 2012, packing in the second highest yearly amount recorded yet, reports Alex Kirby at Climate News Network, while fellow CNN colleague Paul Brown noted that no one seems to have noticed it, or its grave implications .... Earth year 40,009 AD: "Fascinating!" observed Gznork, one tendril caressing his data pack as a few of his eyes swivelled towards his colleague. "Do you realize this lost species created a civilization capable of creating clean energy and predicting the future, but chose to pollute themselves into extinction instead? They were highly sentient beings who chose to behave like bacteria!!" With that, they teleported off the planet.

"So, these 2 guys in a bar..." uh, okay, I'll cut to the chase - the first one has the Climate Cheat Sheet to win every climate argument, but since polls show that most US adults already understand that humans drive climate change, what the first guy really needs a Clean Energy Cheat Sheet.... Meantime, here's part of Mel's Climate Change Flow Chart:
Climate change --> heat waves --> heat strokes --> MANY PEOPLE DIE ...Other parts of the chart are equally gruesome. We'll insert a few of them after items below (Hint, hint: they all pretty much end the same way)...

Want to spread clean energy in your neighborhood? Try putting up neighborhood flyers, and get the conversation going.... Clean energy not available in your neighborhood? Get together with neighbors and see if you can change that!

****** Climate Change Round the World ********


@@@Penguins in Peril As Antarctic Ice Melts
*****Expect More Violence as Libya Dries From Climate Change
Climate change --> droughts --> crops fail --> violence --> MANY PEOPLE DIE
☼☼☼Trading Trash For Solar Lights in Kenya Slum


$$$Drought Could Cost New Zealand $2 Billion
*****Climate Change Drought Worsened Syrian Violence
@@@Climate Change Worsened 2011 Somali Drought, Killing Many Thousands
Climate change --> droughts --> crops fail --> starvation --> MANY PEOPLE DIE


*****Indian coal power plants 'kill 120,000 people a year,' report says
$$$Climate change could ruin snorkeling and fishing economy in Florida
☼☼☼Australia Hot For Massive Solar PV Growth, which could reach 10 gigawatts by 2015


*****Keystone Pipeline Will Diminish Energy Security, Prominent Canadian Says


☼☼☼Acting Like You Care: The XL Keystone pipeline will make possible far more climate change, but President Obama might okay it anyway. Credo, and others are asking people to stand up and be counted as nonviolent resisters or help in other ways. I did. If you ever wanted to do something big for your future, now's your chance -- here.

Top US Admiral Says Climate Change Biggest Threat to US security in the Pacific, reports Bryan Bender at the Boston Globe. Climate change will drive long-term security problems the most, and global diplomacies recognize this threat, he added.... So when will our US leaders do the same?

US Military Says Full Speed Ahead on Clean Energy, reports Mother Jones Julia Whitty at the Climate Desk, and forget about Congressional naysayers: history shows they are overwhelmingly wrong when it comes to blocking military progress. As a large global consumer of energy, the US military understands it must plan for its energy future based on clean, secure sources. When are some of those military brains going to run for Congress?

*****Ready to Invest Your Bucks in Solar? Check out Mosaic opportunities here!

Joe, to Joe: Climate Change Can Be Slowed, But Not Reversed
reports Joe Romm at Climate Progress to a clueless journalist. As NOAA pointed out, we have "bought" plenty of CC already - now we have to stop buying, and start saving some of that future for our kids by cutting emissions dramatically, as soon as possible. Clean energy canapes, anyone? Try the wind and solar ones - they're really hot!

Congress is Grinding Out Carbon Tax Bills aimed at power plants and "upstream" emitters, such as coal mines and refineries, reports Tim McDonnell at the Climate Desk. Sounds nice, except that the track record for such bills is not a good one... so far....

Every day is Earth Day, folks, as I was reminded by these wonderful mushrooms David Work so generously shared with me. Making the U.S. a global clean energy leader will ensure a heck of a lot more jobs, and a clean, safe future. If you'd like to join the increasing numbers of people who want to TELL Congress that they will vote for clean energy candidates you can do so here. It's our way of letting Congress know there's a strong clean energy voting bloc out there. For more detailed summaries of the above and other climate change items, audio podcasts and texts are freely available.


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