No Comparison

How can you compare the relatively minor loss of life to the unsettling effect it has on an entire nation when your leader, your Commander-in-Chief, lies under oath about cheating on his wife?
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Many of you reading this are probably too young to remember a scandal far worse than the current one(s). In fact, there was a time in the not-too-distant past when we, the people, or at least our representatives, found it necessary to impeach the President. That's right. Impeach. It was that serious.

Look it up. These were dark times, times we'd like to forget. But we must remember, especially in light of this little kerfuffle in Iraq, which some have the gall to compare it to.

First of all, how can you compare the relatively minor loss of life (under a million) to the unsettling effect it has on an entire nation when your leader, your Commander-in-Chief, lies under oath (on television!) about cheating on his wife, the woman who may become the first female President of the United States? You can't!

Secondly, at no time during this current foreign adventure did Mr. Bush partake in a phone call with oily pollster Dick Morris while a prostitute was sucking on Mr. Morris's big toe. Not once.

Finally, nothing -- the torture, the sectarian violence, the civil war, the regional holy war, the worldwide nuclear war -- nothing can compare to the look on that poor Monica Lewinsky's face when she told an off-screen reporter for Entertainment Tonight I think it was that she felt humiliated, abandoned, discarded (my words) by that cad (again, my word) Bill Clinton. Nothing.

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