The Best Late Night Clips of the Week (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

The Best Late Night Clips of the Week
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This week saw two major endorsements in the ongoing battle for the GOP nomination. First, Herman Cain did very little to help Newt Gingrich by endorsing him (in addition to, not instead of "the People") ahead of the Florida primary. Then, once Mitt Romney secured his victory in the Sunshine State, Donald Trump jumped on the bandwagon of his fellow one percenter.

Romney continued to dominate the news this week by confidently singing "America the Beautiful", getting glitter-bombed in Minnesota, and declaring that he doesn't care about the "very poor."

These stories and more fueled the late night shows this week. Below are my favorite late night clips of the week. What were yours?

More comedy videos at:

Colbert Report - Stephen Takes Back is Super PAC

The Best Late Night Clips of the Week (January 30, 2012 - February 5, 2012)


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