Environmental Groups Congratulate Obama on Victory

Among the many celebrating Barack Obama's victory today are environmentalists. Here's what some have to say:
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Among the many celebrating Barack Obama’s victory today are environmentalists. Here's what some have to say:

Sierra Club: “During the past two years of campaigning, Barack Obama has spoken often and eloquently about the need to invest in clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, kickstart our economic recovery, create millions of jobs, and curb climate change. He has pledged to make clean energy his top priority. He declared in his victory speech: ‘We cannot go back to the old way of doing things.’ We agree and promise to do all we can to help this transformation come to pass.”

Environmental Defense: “Elections are about change and this election offers us the greatest opportunity we have ever had to change course on global warming.”

Greenpeace: "I know that we have miles to go to fix our economy, our environment, our reputation throughout the world. The damage that has been done cannot be fixed in four or eight years. But my hope comes from believing that President-elect Obama has a gift for leading us through dark times without division and blame."

World Wildlife Fund: "We are confident President-elect Obama will view these challenging times as an opportunity to reverse the ill-chosen policies of the past and chart a new course that will lead America and the world to a healthier, safer, more sustainable and prosperous future. We look forward to working with the new President and his administration to implement the progressive environmental policies which he championed throughout his campaign—policies that will not only help us avoid catastrophic climate change, but will jumpstart the global economy and restore America’s reputation as a leader in solving the most serious problems confronting our world and future generations."

Defenders of Wildlife: "Let's be clear - we have a lot of work ahead of us. We've just had eight years of the most anti-environmental presidency America has ever seen. Reversing the damage done by the Bush administration will take years of hard work."

National Audubon Society: "Despite real reason for optimism, we cannot take conservation gains for granted. Audubon is committed to helping the new Administration and Congress to live up to their great promise; and to make conservation, clean energy and green jobs part of America's path to a brighter tomorrow."

Union of Concerned Scientists: "President-elect Obama has pledged that United States will lead and inspire other countries to take action, and he clearly recognizes that the essential step to restoring our international leadership on global warming is to take bold action here at home."

Earthjustice: "We expect the new Obama administration to regulate the global warming gas, CO2, as called for by the US Supreme Court. Burning coal for power creates roughly half of all the global warming air pollution generated in America. Those power companies that would build highly polluting coal fired power plants in America, and their backers on Wall Street, may need to reconsider their plans. We will work with the new administration to usher in an era where our abundant renewable domestic energy sources; wind, solar and geothermal, will be tapped for the benefit of all Americans, our economy, and the climate of our planet."

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