'The Future We'll Make' Photo Campaign

Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty --- what does that really mean? At the foundation, it's very clear we can't do this alone. This was how we created the idea for the "Future We'll Make" photo campaign.
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At TEDxChange later this month, I'll be talking about the some of the issues raised by the Millennium Development Goals. They can seem insurmountable, but they are not -- which is why I'm asking you for your help, via our TEDxChange photo campaign.

I'll be the first to admit: These issues can seem abstract and overwhelming. Take, for example, Millennium Development Goal 1:

Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty.

What does that really mean?

To me, it means that every child -- no matter where they live -- has enough to eat in order to survive and thrive. It means that no one has to live on less than two dollars a day.

How do we get there? At the foundation, it's very clear that we can't do this alone -- we need others to stand with us and put a human face on these ideas. This was how we created the idea for "The Future We'll Make" photo campaign.

What is the future we will make, together? Which of these goals would you most like to see become a reality in your lifetime?

Will we have safe, clean water for everyone? Does every mother survive childbirth? Is HIV a remnant of the past?

Will you contribute your photo, your vision of the future we can make together?

Here's the future I want to see. Here's Bill's vision that he works so hard to make a reality, as well as the future Bill Sr. most wants to see.

You can also see the future that Hans Rosling and Mechai Viravaidya envision (who we are honored to have as speakers at TEDxChange). Our friends at TEDxSingapore have done a great job already -- you can see their "Future We'll Make" photos in this photo stream.

Will you help us?

To participate, follow these four steps. I can't wait to see the future that we will create, together.

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