8 Weird Skills You Master as a Mom

Spiderman has the ability to conquer his villain with this magnificent skill. Moms are just like superheroes, we just get less television time and publicity.
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young woman opening her shirt like a superhero
young woman opening her shirt like a superhero

Have you ever heard of "spidey senses?" Well, if you're a mother of a boy, you know exactly what that means. "Spidey senses" are your ability to know what is going on at all times, in all directions, and in every aspect of your life. Spiderman has the ability to conquer his villain with this magnificent skill. Moms are just like superheroes, we just get less television time and publicity.

Here are the top eight weird skills you develop as a mom:

1. Eyes in the Back of My Head

You've probably heard this one, the ability to know exactly what is going on without ever seeing anything. I know whether my kids are breaking, cutting, destroying, painting, coloring, or chewing on a Lego without ever setting my sights on them.

2. Nose of a Bloodhound

I have always had a good sense of smell. After having children, it has advanced to bloodhound status. I can smell a stinky diaper from a mile away. I am almost positive I can predict a "number two" delivery before it even happens.

3. Night Vision Goggles

I don't need the light to see what's going on. I have developed Seal Team Six vision. When I want to put laundry away or clean up a bit, I can sneak into my kids room undetected without ever waking up the sleeping tot.

4. Echolocation

Have you ever lost your child in the store? You know how they do that cute thing where they hide in the clothing racks? Well, as a Mom, I have developed the ability to echolocate my children by detecting the sound of their giggles as it bounces off the walls, clothes, and floors of the store. Yup, I'm a bat too.

5. Multitasking Magician

I would like to think I have always been efficient. However, after having kids, I have developed the ability to make lunch, switch the laundry, write a blog post, prep dinner, kiss a boo boo, and turn the television on in one fell swoop. Watch out Houdini, no magic words required for this.

6. Mario Andretti in a MiniVan

I promised myself I would never drive a minivan--I drive a minivan. However, I am a drop-off and pick-up professional, like Mario Andretti in the Indianapolis.

7. Human Polygraph Detector

Shame shame, I know your name. Becoming a mom has given me the ability to know when and why my children are lying. Kids lie, they are just smaller versions of adults. I can take one good look at my son's face and know he's about to lie like a rug. I don't need Maury's lie detector test to tell me my son wrote on the wall.

8. CPS (Clairvoyance Positioning System)

"Where are my shoes?" is a question I hear at least five times a week. Things go missing when you have children: shoes, toys, toothbrushes, my patience. I don't need a TomTom or Garmin, I channel my inner clairvoyance like Sylvia Browne and locate that lost lunchbox.

Embrace the skills that come along with motherhood. We may not wear a cape or mask, but we get the job done just the same.

Meredith is a work-from-home mother of three who writes about the inappropriate side of marriage and motherhood on her blog at That's Inappropriate. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

This post was originally published on Spot Me Girl.


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