Reading the Pictures: The Senate Tea Party Caucus (Such as It Is)

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"(F)or now, at least... outnumbered by the Coast Guard Caucus." from: 'Tea party' gathering a tepid draw among senators (LAT)


So, thanks for the revolution... now back to business?

Given the circumstances, Rand Paul should be thanking the media for such a strong photo featuring the first Senate Tea Party Caucus members flanked by their citizen-soldiers on the floor of this hearing room. Of course, it's a much better shot than this meager image, given that the very fledgling Caucus, when push came to shove (or, more accurately, didn't come to shove) only turned out four members, Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) joining Paul and Jim DeMint. (Apparently, Toomey stuck his nose in the room, then vanished, Johnson of Wisconsin had a note from his mom, and Marco was seen running as fast as he could the other way.) A hat tip to DeMint, by the way -- ever the patient warrior -- for counter-programming all the red ties, red shirts and red sweaters with the touch of ochre.

Despite my cynicism though, I'll refrain from drawing any grand conclusions here, because the STPC scored a good picture; they've got "Paul the fearless," front and center, as their unabashed golden boy; and they've demonstrated they at least have a foot inside the building.

If you do prefer a further left view, however, check out the more snark-infused snapshot at our "quick takes" Tumblr site.

(photo: Photo by Win McNamee. caption: U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) (L) and U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) (R) join Tea Party supporters in saying the Pledge of Allegiance during the first meeting of the U.S. Senate Tea Party Caucus January 27, 2011 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The senators gathered with supporters to discuss spending proposals, options for balancing the budget, bringing an end to the U.S. budget deficit and limiting the size and scope of the federal government.)

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