Mr. Coleman Doesn't Go to Washington

Norm Coleman has gone from a man of infinite phony-baloney social charm to a demanding, insistent, miserably drunk guest who doesn't know when to leave.
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What's got into Norm Coleman? His whole political career has been the slippery, cheesy-smile sort. He's changed parties, changed views, done whatever he had to do to get elected. You can't get more lightweight than Norm Coleman. His really big accomplishment was getting a professional hockey franchise in St. Paul when he was the mayor.

Except now his career-accomplishment is refusing, against all evidence and odds, to admit defeat to Al Franken in the Minnesota Senate race.

All of a sudden, he's an extreme, recalcitrant, crazy man. A martyr. A symbol. Mr. I'll-never-ever-not-today-not-tomorrow-give-up. He has gone from a man of infinite phony-baloney social charm to a demanding, insistent, miserably drunk guest who doesn't know when to leave.

A man who, not too long ago, would have done virtually anything to be liked, is now a national oddball.

Has he gone crazy (and will he ever stop being crazy)? Has the entire Republican Party, vested in his last stand, gone crazy--or is there an actual strategy here?

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