Call to Action: Who Will Speak for Obama?

Who will provide the flashlight, the superglue, the call to action, the call to unify for the Party? Will it be Howard Dean or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid?
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The next month will determine the future of the Democratic Party circa 2008, and if and how it will be successful in November. The elegance and grace with which the Party handles this transition to the Obama campaign will decide our future for years to come.

The candidates have done an exquisite job -- now the baton has been passed. Obama cannot and should not do this alone. He needs the Party elders and leadership to coalesce the voters. If this is mishandled, things may not go as well as we hope and pray.

Former President Bill Clinton was the superglue of the '04 race. He issued the call to action on behalf of the Democratic nominee, Senator John Kerry. How quickly we forgot. In that room four very long years ago in DC -- Bill Clinton stood before the leadership and invoked the fundamentals of what made John Kerry the candidate that he was. In so doing, he spoke of Kerry's continued commitment to public service in a speech that shook the walls and the1000 Party insiders.

As the television camera ran, everyone in that room was brought front and center. We stood and sat at attention, and knew that we had a chance to grab the proverbial brass ring. Now more then ever, we have the opportunity for that brass ring again with our new nominee for president. We are very fortunate.

But who will provide the flashlight, the superglue, the call to action, the call to unify for the Party? Otherwise, how will we find our way? Will it be Chairman Howard Dean or Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid?

Yes we know that they all met yesterday to discuss and map out strategy. Yet someone must walk to the head of this line, pick up the proverbial baton, and usher us forward into a time of new possibilities.

Who will speak for Obama?

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