Game Change: Announce the Cabinet -- Form the A Team

Nominating Clinton to Secretary of Defense would be the disruptive action of this race and help us take back the White House. Name the rest of the Cabinet: The A Team.
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It is time to take off the gloves Democrats and get down. Okay guys it's time to roll out the A Team. Obama chin up and gloves out. Joey just keep doing what you're doing. We've got the goods with Clinton, Kerry, Richardson, Dodd and Bayh. What are we waiting for?

Be Bold.

Name the Secretary of Defense and make it Senator Hillary Rodman Clinton. Grab back those 18M cracks in the glass ceiling and unify this Party! If we're lucky, she'll grab the proverbial brass ring and energize the base in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan.


It has a lyricism to it. It is bold and disruptive. It has drama that could steal away the soap opera of the RNC. Clinton is qualified. We need her now and in a big way. She can counter all this nonsense spinning out of the media machine about Palin and her far right opinions and politics. Moreover, we need her to restore sanity to this race. The polls are falling. Joey can't do all the street fighting by himself, and frankly Clinton has enough chutzpah to take them all on!

Since we're up against a trilogy with the RNC of McCain-Palin-Lieberman, why not pull out the winning card? Nominating Clinton to Secretary of Defense would be the disruptive action of this race and help us take back the White House. This action could take all the wind out of the sails of the brilliant strategy of Palin's nomination.

Name the rest of the Cabinet: The A Team.

Change the debate. Create a better story. Play out the soap opera and write OUR script. Don't get caught in the RNC's web of deceit and stop refuting it. Flush it away. Think long and hard about this one. Don't fight among ourselves or have Talmudic discussions -- oh please. Unify behind the Kennedy-Clinton-Obama-Biden strength coming out of the Convention. Use it to win this election. Obama is an amazing candidate that we need in the White House.

Captivate the hearts and minds of the American people. WIN. We have too much at stake to allow McCain-Palin-Lieberman to lead our children to war, destroy our national resources, and debunk science. Own the chess board with the King, Queen, and all the Rooks, Bishops, and Knights. And make it a landslide for the A Team.


PS. The suggestions for the Obama Cabinet keep coming. Let's open up the dialogue and see where it goes. The game change is now.

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