Hiram Monserratte's Constituents Attack Him -- On His Own Website

New Yorkers within State Senator Monserrate's district, as well as others, are taking the chance to spread their "blessings" all over Monserrate's 2008 campaign page guestbook.
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New Yorkers within State Senator Monserrate's district, as well as others, are taking the chance to spread their "blessings" all over Monserrate's 2008 campaign page guestbook.

Monserrate, a former cop, was recently removed from office after being found guilty to minor assault when the "muy macho" misogynist was caught on video man-handling and dragging his girlfriend down stairs and through hallways of an apartment building. Monserrate is also accused of slashing his girlfriend with a broken bottle which he claims was "an accident."

Monserrate's infamy doesn't end there. He most recently involved himself in a messy state "coup" attempt, temporarily switching his support from the Democratic to Republican party, thereby briefly handing the GOP majority control so that he could grab more individual power as he negotiated his return to the Democrats. His vote also helped defeat a monumental bill that would have allowed same sex marriages in New York State.

Feeling that committing violence against women is much less of a sin than same sex marriage, and not being able to get his seat back via the court system, he has decided to run again in a special election set up for March 16th, soliciting support from ultra conservative elements in his district.

Suffice it to say, this morally confused politician has no lack of critics. Detractors took to his 2008 campaign site (still up and accepting guest book submissions 2 years after the election) to communicate with the senator how they feel about him. Comments are from those who claim to be in his district, as well as anybody else who has come across the website, which can easily be found at http://www.hirammonserrate.com/news.htm .

The screen shot below shows some of the more benign comments, including one woman who claims to live in his district and gives the former senator advice on seeking counseling.


Other entries are far less diplomatic. But in the spirit of sharing, I thought I'd copy and paste them below before someone in the disgraced gentleman's entourage decides to take down the guest book section. After all, what is the internet but to distribute such "blessings" to the masses? Normally, I would add more colorful commentary and give my opinion, but I think the comments below reflect the general mood much better than I ever could. These are just from March 5th. I find most interesting the comments by Latinos in his district, mostly because he claims their support in running again for his seat in a special election on March 16th.

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Submitted By : Equality for All From: New York
I was always proud that NYS was a progressive state. We were the first state to give a woman the right to choose 2 years before Roe v Wade.
But since a misogynists like you occupy a Senate seat and had the audacity to vote against making same-sex marriage legal in NYS I have no other choice but be ashamed of the state I have lived my entire life in.
You have the right to legally marry the woman you abused but millions of gay and lesbian couples can't? These people pay the taxes that pay your salary. These are active members of their communities. They are business owners. They are Mother's and Father's. They deserve the same rights as every other person in this state.
Shame on you. Shame on this state. And shame on the people of your district that voted for Senator who feels he can abuse women.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: I'm a woman, I vote
And I live in your district!What a waste of oxygen you are, Hiram. You're a violent, mentally unbalanced, homophobic misogynist. You are the furthest thing from a leader that exists on this planet. I live in your district, and I CANNOT WAIT to show up to vote against your sorry a** on March 16. Get some therapy, you douchebag.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: Scott Rose From: New York
On March 1, 2010, Hiram Monserrate was present at a rally for his candidacy when Rev. Ricardo Reyes said "I have seen a whole generation of children sunk down by the gay community."

I am not surprised that Hiram Monserrate would accept an endorsement from a person saying that. After all, as everybody has seen in the video, Hiram Monserrate is the type of "man" who drags his injured girlfriend away from ringing a neighbor's doorbell for help.

Es todo un carajo violento, sin honor, sin decencia humana, y ademas, sin la disciplina de perder el sobrepeso que lo tiene gonfiado como un globo del desfile Macy's.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: Hiram is a Douche
Your a f****** scumbag. Big surprise you were a cop too. Maybe you should move back to your old profession. Then you can slash people and actually get away with it.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: Good Riddance From: Corona
good riddance. Slash your girl, lose your seat. No votes from me or my family. Go Peralta

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: Shannon From: Brooklyn
If you can't manage your own website, how can you manage your office? Also, lawbreakers shouldn't be lawmakers.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by:Tim foot From: NYC
Douche bag. I can't believe this is still up.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: CJ From: 13th District (E. Elmhurst)
You have nerve to run in this special election. You Sir are not fit to represent our community. First, you flipped flopped on the Willets Point folks.
Second, you and Espada attempted to throw off the balance of the senate for your own benefit.
Third, you were convicted of assaulting your girlfirend.
Lastly, the senate voted you out.

District 13:
How can we have this person represent us. He has made our district the laughing stock of the senate. We must look like fools to them for voting him in the first time. Remember, the senate has voted him out. How can he be effective in representing us if he were to return (aka. they hate him and will not likely work with him for us).



Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: politicogirl From: NYC
I plan to work this weekend to make sure you're not in office. I can't believe you are running.

Added: March 5, 2010
Submitted by: A. Non-Abuser From: Brooklyn
You couldn't be a bigger scumbag if you tried. Please f*** off forever.

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