Junk Food.....The Problem?

Junk Food.....The Problem?
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"Junk Food For Schools Sets Off Debate in Connecticut". A headline in today's New York Times. We are constantly bombarded with attacks on the Big Macs and Mighty Cokes of America. States are out to control snacks and drinks, legislators focus on bad eating habits translating to kids bad health, obesity, diabetics. The focus and the legislative bucks are in the wrong place. Physical fitness is the more meaningful cure. Does anyone know who the Chairman of the President's Council for Physical Fitness is? Does anyone know what the annual budget for the President's Council for Physsical Fitness is? I know: It's Lynn Swann.....I'm told it's $1,200,000! I'm told in the public schools of upper Manhatten, the ratio of student to Phy. Ed teacher (often the social studies teacher) is 171 to 1! I'm told that only two and one half (whatever that means) of the New York State/City supported colleges offer a physical education degree? In the 60's a man named Bowerman visited Australia and brought the jogging revolution to America.....in the 70's a man nemed Fixx started the running revolution. The over 30's and 40's discovered the simplicity of exercise, feeling good, looking better, staying young, more dates, all good stuff from fitness. The revolution continues. The forgotten are our children. Public schools in New York, because of "funding" often offer one hour a week of physical education. Legislative focus attactking the fast-food providers gets press. A push for legislative focus on more funding for the physical activity of our children, is a push critcally needed.

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