One Year Left. Looking to the Future...

It's always darkest before the light. 2008-2009 might be the gloomiest years before the "Great Repair" begins.
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We have about one year left of the catastrophic Bush presidency.
And, unlike Ronald Reagan, historians are not going to be able to
make this skunk smell like roses. Just a few key words and phrases
defining Bush's presidential legacy (not in any order of ranked

* Nine trillion dollar debt


* Israel/Palestinian-Arab conflict grows more dangerous

* Environmental devastation / ignoring facts and science

* Excusing torture, ignoring the Geneva conventions

* Wire tapping, trampled civil liberties

* Weakening the separation of church and State

* The "Decider's" executive Presidency / preemptive "signing statements"

* Fear mongering, fueling divisiveness among Americans

* Subprime fallout

* FEMA / Katrina debacle

* Vetoing children's healthcare

... and, coming soon, recession or another Great Depression.

Bush's deceptions, lack of leadership, cronyism, plain embarrassing
stupidity and utter absence of true American values have been
documented exhaustively. Especially in the alternative and online
media worlds.

But, most people still seem to feel disconnected from the Iraq war,
the loss of liberties and even the decaying economy so far. Or,
maybe it's just a general paralysis and helplessness that after seven
years being stuck with a radical regime run amok, nothing can change
after the "shock and awe" inflicted on us.

The economic storm clouds are growing darker, however, and most
Americans are going to feel the very real and personal effects of the
Bush presidency where it counts, their wallet. Maybe that will
finally wake the rest of the country up! Sorry, shopping is just not
going to cut it this time.

As many have predicted, the sub-prime debacle is inevitably seeping
into the economy while the national debt is helping to crush the
dollar and (along with oil prices & forced interest rate cuts) raise
inflation. Despite Bernanke's reassurance that we will not return to
70's "stagflation" or recession, we are headed in exactly that

It's always darkest before the light. 2008-2009 might be the
gloomiest years before the "Great Repair" begins. New technologies,
continued innovation and greater environmental awareness combined
with electing visionary, libertarian and humanistic leadership might
propel us back in a constructive direction again. Phoenix rising?
The Phoenix's head is critical, though. Only a true humanitarian
and world visionary -- a "Uniter," not a "Divider/Decider" -- will do.

How different the world would look if Al Gore had been at the helm
the last four years -- lost opportunities. We dream of the benefits
to the environment, forward thinking economic policies, universal
healthcare, honorable and visionary leadership, humanistic policies,
new energy technologies and leadership partnerships around the world.
I'm not saying America would necessarily be a utopia, but it would
sure beat where we are today! But, we cannot linger on "what-if's."

We need to look to the future and how America is going to pull itself
out of the current political, social and economic morass created
during the past seven years-- and the remaining year of damage and
"terror" left for Bush and Cheney to inflict. Unfortunately, it's
not over yet and the Democratic Congress cannot be trusted as a
effective check and balance.

How will the country deal with the massive economic, social and
political hangover from the detrimental Bush presidency? As we head
into the "prime time" election season, we need to carefully look at
the real solutions candidates offer us. Not just the media fluff,
simple sound bytes and smoke and mirrors.

Electing any of the leading Republican candidates would obviously
spell the continuing ruin and downward spiral of our great country.
We cannot take anymore. But, will a democratic President be able to
pull us gracefully out of the Iraq war; reestablish American values
of freedom, innovation, liberty and justice; while simultaneously
help save the American economy from the brink? The Democratic
Congress has seemed quite ineffective so far.

Bush's Presidency has been so horrible, that many people even
question the basics of the American political system. But, maybe the
system itself, with campaign reform and a few other slight
adjustments (eliminating the Electoral College and allowing more
third party voices), can still help right this ship.

It's time to look beyond the Bush disaster. Can our institutions be
salvaged? How can we put the country back on track again? Will
electing a democrat take care of our worries?

Where do we go from here?

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